Help! First Time, Long Time


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Nov 1, 2020
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Select Elite pellet smoker grill
The title of this has a couple meanings. I have been a long time enjoyer of smoked meats, first time smoking my own. I recently bought a used (but great condition) Traeger Select Elite pellet smoker grill. It is a version built for Costco I believe. After doing plenty of research about how to smoke a brisket I went for it. Everything said my 4 lb flat should finish around the 6 hour mark. I put it on at 11:45am at 250 and didn't hit 165 until 921pm. I wrapped it in butcher paper, and put it back on and this is where the frustration kicked in. The temps would not rise! I thought it may have been a bad probe, but I checked it with a separate, non digital meat thermometer and verified the temp. At 115AM I finally pulled it off regardless of displayed temp and put in a cooler for about 45 minutes. At 2AM, yes 2 in the morning, I cut into it. It was pretty damn good. Juicy, fat rendered solid bark and tender. Although it came out pretty good I am still calling this a fail as the people I was cooking for had to shift gears and cook for me. Glad I have good neighbors! Did I do something wrong? 13 hours and as full hopper of pellets later I ended up with leftovers...
It sound like the grill wasn't actually running at 250f. Check actual grill temp with a 3rd part themometer, put it close to the rtd probe in the grill.

My Pro 780 has run up to 30f below set and actual temp.
I was looking at another thread just after I posted this that led me to the same conclusion. Is there a way to adjust this or do I need to consider replacing the temp sensor?
It depends on the controller. Some older models have a (P) setting that can be adjusted. I am not familiar with in though. My Pro 780 doesn't have it.
Measure the actual grill temp and compensate the controller temp, "did i do something wrong" only that believed that crap about allow x hrs per pound to cook, it is indicative and each cut can vary Greatly. And you started way too late in the day, start early to give your self a time buffer, if it finishes early it will sit in the cooler for several hours if kept wrapped. Good luck on the next one.
Hey guys - I checked my temps this time with an external thermometer and found my original temps were almost 50 degrees off! Not sure what caused it but I have been getting better results. Did a 10 lb brisket, chicken and ribs and all turned out great. Just a new guy experimenting here and learning from my mistakes. Thanks for the advice and glad I found this forum.
I put the point on the left and the flat on the right as my grill is hotter on the left...
fireboard probe 1 ambient right, probe 2 ambient left, probe 3 point, probe 4 flat, probe 5 chicken, probe 6 not used....
cook by temp not time.... and as magoo40 said, start early....