WiFi - Cell Data instead?

Sorry, Reviving an old thread.

Does anyone have a shot of the Timberline controller for comparison to the Ironwood? Just bought an Ironwood 885 and the Wifi reception is pretty bad. I'd love to be able to add an external antenna to it. Am pretty handy when it comes to electronics, so I'm sure I could do it myself.
Looking at the shot of the control board above, you'll notice something missing at the section labeled J1. I wonder if thats where the wifi antenna attaches to the timberline.
Sorry, Reviving an old thread.

Does anyone have a shot of the Timberline controller for comparison to the Ironwood? Just bought an Ironwood 885 and the Wifi reception is pretty bad. I'd love to be able to add an external antenna to it. Am pretty handy when it comes to electronics, so I'm sure I could do it myself.
See the photo I provided on May 6th, in this thread. The older (pre 2019) didn't have the antenna, they do now....
See the photo I provided on May 6th, in this thread. The older (pre 2019) didn't have the antenna, they do now....

So you're saying Both the 2019 Ironwood (with D2 controller) and Timberlines have external antenna? I didn't see one on mine, but I didn't look real well either.
So you're saying Both the 2019 Ironwood (with D2 controller) and Timberlines have external antenna? I didn't see one on mine, but I didn't look real well either.
Unfortunately no... seems the Ironwood doesn't have the external antenna. Sorry for the confusion.
Unfortunately no... seems the Ironwood doesn't have the external antenna. Sorry for the confusion.

Right. Which is why I wanted to see the new Timberline D2 board to see where the antenna is connected to. The boards should be pretty close to the same I'd imagine.
Hmmm, I wonder how much a Timberline replacement controller board would cost?

That'd give you external wi-fi antenna connection, as well as dual probes and pellet sensor function.
Hmmm, I wonder how much a Timberline replacement controller board would cost?

That'd give you external wi-fi antenna connection, as well as dual probes and pellet sensor function.

Probably quite a bit (a few hundred I'd imagine)
Reviving an old thread but has anyone had any luck getting an antenna on a non-timberline model? I looked at my 2020 ironwood 650 controller. I can see the Espressif wifi chipset on the PCB but don't see any contact points for an antenna. I'd be curious to see the PCB from a Timberline where they are installed. I'd imagine these boards have to be identical or fairly close. It still perplexes me that Traeger would not install an external antenna on all non-timberline models, inside an all metal enclosure. They really shot themselves in the foot with customer issues and reviews to save a couple bucks.
I could test it out for you. It's easy enough to turn your phone into a hot spot and broadcast the internet. The problem then becomes you have to leave your phone by the grill the entire time.

I'm having a similar issue, my grill sits right at the end of the range of my Apple airport. Sometimes it gets a signal, sometimes it doesn't. I've been thinking about replacing it for a while so I'll probably make the jump soon. I've heard good things about the Google Wifi mesh. Anyone have experience with it?

I can respond. Yes, I have the google WiFi “pucks” as I call them. I have a two story house, one puck is directly wired to my WiFi modem provided by my ISP (you will want to turn off WiFi broadcasting from the modem), then the other two you add one at a time. They all communicate together, the second is also downstairs and the third up. I stream everywhere, on patio and in garage and yes, my Traeger outside, zero connection problems. Your ISP speeds and service will dictate how good your throughput is. Poor internet speed provided but the provider won’t be improved by this. This google package just “spreads” the signal all around with greater strength, cutting out the dead spots. And it does it remarkably well. How big your house is will dictate how many you need. I think it’s like 1 puck per 1000 square feet. Read up on the details, but I definitely recommend. Other benefits, not in scope of the topic here, but worth mentioning, you can set up and group devices and schedule when they can use WiFi. If you have kids and want to limit their time say after 8pm at night, lots of parental controls. And all of this, set up, controls, adding a guest network, done from your smart phone. There are other options/brands along this line. But my experience with Google has been perfect. Good luck.
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