Unable to connect to Wi-Fi


Jun 9, 2020
Reaction score
Anthem, Arizona 85086
Ironwood 885
I received my Traeger Ironwood 885 Smoker. I am unable to connect to Wi-fi. I think I need a version update to 0200.001.01.06. How do I obtain this update by leaving the Smoker in 'ON' position. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
The Traeger Cloud PUSHing updates down to registered Grill UUIDs is "on hold" as they work on a programmatic fix for the unexpected shutdown issue that impacted a subset of D2 WiFIRE Controllers during the timeframe that the May Updates were "live" (05/19-05/27) ... The current Firmware for the D2 WiFIRE Controllers, as of the May Updates, is 02.01.02, and the current Config Version (which is grill model specific), is 05.009 for the Ironwood 885 ...

Given the number you show above, it appears as though you might have a D2 ARC controller version of the 885? If so, you should contact Traeger Support, because the last update they show for that model via the WiFIRE Status Page is as follows:

03.00.00 - RELEASED 1/15/20

1. Updates to cloud connectivity to improve response time between grill and app

WiFIRE Status Page = https://www.traegergrills.com/status
If your grill won't connect to wifi then you could leave the grill on forever and it would never receive updates. Wifi is the way the updates are delivered.

You might try moving your grill or moving your router so they are closer together to see if you can connect. Generally speaking, routers perform better when mounted higher so you might try placing your router in a higher location.

Another option is to install a wifi extender which is what I did. Once I installed the extender, my Pro 575 connected immediately and reliably.
If your grill won't connect to wifi then you could leave the grill on forever and it would never receive updates. Wifi is the way the updates are delivered.

You might try moving your grill or moving your router so they are closer together to see if you can connect. Generally speaking, routers perform better when mounted higher so you might try placing your router in a higher location.

Another option is to install a wifi extender which is what I did. Once I installed the extender, my Pro 575 connected immediately and reliably.
strollin, Thanks for the info. I have an extender two feet from the smoker, still no luck. Will call Traeger.
After almost 3 hours with Traeger techs on the phone and almost that much time on my own because I understand Wi-Fi and connecting devices it was determined my controller needed replaced...in 10-12 days which misses father's day which is the reason I bought it now...
Pro 575
Multiple times reinstalled app
Grill wouldn't allow to clear networks
Added a extender to my router setup even though my phone got excellent signal next to grill (extender is in kitchen on other side of wall from grill)
The techs went thru the same script and asked the same questions
They won't give up this new controller without a fight...
I feel for everyone!
The 3rd time they said the "firmware needs updated" I screamed HOW...I CANT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET AND NO USB!...For the love of the smoker God's add a USB port!
After almost 3 hours with Traeger techs on the phone and almost that much time on my own because I understand Wi-Fi and connecting devices it was determined my controller needed replaced...in 10-12 days which misses father's day which is the reason I bought it now...
Pro 575
Multiple times reinstalled app
Grill wouldn't allow to clear networks
Added a extender to my router setup even though my phone got excellent signal next to grill (extender is in kitchen on other side of wall from grill)
The techs went thru the same script and asked the same questions
They won't give up this new controller without a fight...
I feel for everyone!
The 3rd time they said the "firmware needs updated" I screamed HOW...I CANT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET AND NO USB!...For the love of the smoker God's add a USB port!

They should add functionality to the WiFIRE Controller Display to optionally allow you to use the Dial to Select the Wi-Fi Network you want to connect on, then give you a screen saying you need a password that conforms to WPA2 specs (8-63 characters in length from the printable selection of ASCII characters), and then allow you to dial/depress each character in the password, so that you can do the connection process without a phone ... the dial/depress of each password character could be a pain, but at least it would be an alternative to the challenges of making the App Device switch/stick to the 2.4GHz frequency for the length of the setup process ... unlike other IoT devices that don't offer a display, or an "input" mechanism, this would appear to be doable, assuming they have enough headroom within the controller to add the necessary code ...
After almost 3 hours with Traeger techs on the phone and almost that much time on my own because I understand Wi-Fi and connecting devices it was determined my controller needed replaced...in 10-12 days which misses father's day which is the reason I bought it now...
Pro 575
Multiple times reinstalled app
Grill wouldn't allow to clear networks
Added a extender to my router setup even though my phone got excellent signal next to grill (extender is in kitchen on other side of wall from grill)
The techs went thru the same script and asked the same questions
They won't give up this new controller without a fight...
I feel for everyone!
The 3rd time they said the "firmware needs updated" I screamed HOW...I CANT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET AND NO USB!...For the love of the smoker God's add a USB port!

Not knowing exactly where the setup process is failing, the only suggestion I can offer is the following WORKAROUND, which only works if the controller itself is capable of connecting versus being a doorstop ...

Failed / Hung Setup of WiFIRE | Airplane Mode Workaround

ISSUE: Multiple people have reported that the initial setup of WiFIRE will fail/hang before completion ... this is due to the App device defaulting back to the "preferred" 5GHz Wireless Network after handing off the necessary 2.4GHz Wireless Network information to the Grill (Network Name (SSID), Encryption Type, Password). The App Device MUST reconnect back to the 2.4GHz Home Wireless Network in order for the setup process to successfully complete.

WORKAROUND: The best way to eliminate the failed/hung setup state for WiFIRE is to first put your App Device into Airplane Mode, then manually turn Wi-Fi back on, then "forget" the 5GHz Wi-Fi network, then connect to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network and start the setup process from the beginning ... this eliminates any potential issues with regards to the App Device reconnecting back to the wrong (i.e. 5GHz) Home Wi-Fi Network during the setup process ... once the setup process has successfully completed, you can take the App Device out of Airplane Mode, and reconnect to the 5GHz Wireless network on your App Device (if desired) ...