Pellets Treager v. Pit boss


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Dec 24, 2023
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Ft lauderdal
Reading that you can use Pit Boss pellets as well. . Looks like they are 50%cheaper than Treager.

Opinions please
I think you’ll find that many Traeger owners use all kinds of pellets, including Pit Boss.

I have used many bags of them over the years without any issue.
Reading that you can use Pit Boss pellets as well. . Looks like they are 50%cheaper than Treager.

Opinions please
When I got my Traeger my friend gave me two bags of Traeger pellets. I figured out that I can’t find any difference in them or others except the price. I use Costco brand and whatever I find a good deal on. Wood is wood when it comes to burning pellets, I get my smoke flavor from my smoke tubes.
I've always used Bear Mountain outside of the start bags of Traeger Signature I had. I recently bought a 40 pound bag of PB pellets from Wal Mart because Tractor Supply was out of Bear Mountain. They've worked just fine.
I will have had my Ironwood for 2 years this spring. In that time I have used only one bag of Traeger pellets. I thought they were too dusty.

I have used Pit Boss, the Expert Grill pellets from Walmart, which are better than you might expect considering the price, LumberJack and Bear Mountain. The Lumberjack pellets are my favorites with Bear Mountain being a close second. Pit Boss is a tier below those two, but certainly acceptable.
The only pellets I bought that I threw away after trying to use them was the 100% charcoal pellets from Royal Oak. I had to vacuum out my auger. They wouldn’t burn. I even tried to use them in my smoke tubes, again they didn’t want to stay burning.
The only pellets I bought that I threw away after trying to use them was the 100% charcoal pellets from Royal Oak. I had to vacuum out my auger. They wouldn’t burn. I even tried to use them in my smoke tubes, again they didn’t want to stay burning.
Yeah, charcoal is designed to smolder, not burn. If you want to add some charcoal flavor to your cooks, you can blend the charcoal pellets sparingly into your wood pellets.
I'm on my 3rd 40lb bag of Costco pellets, they work just fine, and they're $13/bag. Can't beat it.
I use the Costco pellets and 2 types of Scheels pellets, Beef Blend and Fruitwood Blend. I find these 3 seem to burn hotter than all the other brands in my IW 650.
I'm working on my last batch of Traeger pellets (Signature). As @RayClem said Traegers are too dusty. Pit Boss have worked fine for me but I'm staying with Bear Mountain. Very satisfied with them and they also run some BOGO deals throughout the year. Especially around Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. Low dust too. Lumberjack aren't available in my area. If they were I'd try them. May also try Costco brand.
I'm working on my last batch of Traeger pellets (Signature). As @RayClem said Traegers are too dusty. Pit Boss have worked fine for me but I'm staying with Bear Mountain. Very satisfied with them and they also run some BOGO deals throughout the year. Especially around Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. Low dust too. Lumberjack aren't available in my area. If they were I'd try them. May also try Costco brand.
I had heard horror story’s about deviating from using Traeger pellets in my Pro 34. A coworker had a story too. I exclusively used Traeger pellets the first 6 months with no problem. I was thinking the incompatibility problem must be from some sort of manufacturing process that would force you to buy Traeger pellets exclusively. This IS NOT THE CASE in my experience. Bomgaar’s opened a store here and they carry a great selection of different brands of pellets. I was gunshy at first but decided to try the Bear Mountain pellets figuring they were about half the price if I watched closely,if there was a problem I could catch it. There was NO problem. I have used Bear Mountain, Lumberjack, and Traeger pellets and can say in my humble opinion that they are all of great quality. I have now gone through literally hundreds of pounds of pellets and have never had my auger jam. I haven’t bought Traeger pellets with the premium price in several years. Bear Mountain pellets are fantastic!!! I have only used one bag of Lumberjack, but they were also excellent. Bomgaar’s also started carrying B&B pellets, but sadly they don’t carry the Post Oak ones. I think that brand would work just as well.
Initially when I got my Traeger I used one bag of their pellets. I’ve used many different brands, popular or unheard of and I use Costco’s most. I’ve never had any issues with any pellets.

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