Timberline 1300 won't start


New member
Aug 14, 2019
Reaction score
Renton, Washington
Timberline 1300
My timberline 1300 won't start. Verified outlet is working, tried and have recently cleaned the unit so know there is nothing blocking the augur or the fire pot. No activity whatsoever (fan, lights, nothing). They said my power cord is bad because the little red light isn't lit up. I tried to explain that there isn't a little red light on the timberline but it was a lost cause trying to explain to the support lady. Any other suggestions out there?
I would start by checking the fuse and verify the voltage on the load side of the switch going to the controller.
Did all of that and everything checks out. I still couldn't get it to start but then I unplugged it and let it sit for a couple hours and then it worked just fine. I
Did all of that and everything checks out. I still couldn't get it to start but then I unplugged it and let it sit for a couple hours and then it worked just fine. I
Sounds like the new models must have a thermal in them! Good to know.....
I had a similar problem, but my red power light on the switch was on. Traeger thought it might be the powerblock, but that little LED light was also on (although it is almost impossible to see without taking the powerblock out of the grill). Tried the unplugging routine, still nothing. What did finally work? I signed in to the app, removed and reinstalled the grill, and Voila! It powered on- go figure! Somehow the software gets "lost" and this reboots it. Can't explain it, but it was the only thing that worked, so if all else fails, and you have power to everything except the controller, give it a try
When you clean it, be sure to put a half of a handful of fresh pellets in the firebox. You may have to reprime the auger if you vacuumed any out of the entry pipe in the fire box. I have found this makes it easier to start. I don’t know if you got to the startup process or it would not turn on.