Ribs advice (first smoke)


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Mar 18, 2019
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this will be my very first smoke! I want to do some ribs with a fruity blend I have.
I’ve read though that fruit blends tend to be light on the flavor. What type of rub would be good to go with that so it doesn’t overpower the fruity flavor?
I’ve never cooked ribs before also. So any tips would be helpful. I’m thinking I’ll try the 3 2 1 method for my first tome out? What would be the best method for a first timer?
I’m also going to try some jerky this weekend too!
321 is the way to go. I have been cooking ribs that way for YEARS on propane and they are amazing! Gotta be even better on Traeger...have not yet tried on Traeger myself. I have always used an italian dressing base and then coat with Old Bay Seasoning for the rub. Couldn't ask for a better rib....one of the keys is to go through the painstaking process of removing the membrane on the back of the rib...makes a huge difference and worth the extra effort. Good luck to you, share your results.
Today is my first time smoking Ribs on the Traeger. I decided to some what follow the 3-2-1 recipe as well. (https://www.traegergrills.com/recipes/pork/3-2-1-baby-back-ribs)

I bought the ribs from Costco preseason so all I had to do was throw them on the grill :) I'll wrap with Apple Juice at the 3 hour mark.


Apple pellets is the way to go. I’ve cooked ribs several times on my T850. 3-2-1 is an awesome guideline but give yourself about 7 hours total cook time. I’ve used lots of rubs but actually prefer traegers pork and poultry rub. When I wrap my ribs I do double foil so the bones don’t poke through and add apple juice brown sugar and honey to my ribs just like the traeger app recipe. Very good! Keep us updated.
Hi! 3-2-1 is great to start off with. I use a maple syrup, apple cider Jack Daniels marinade and a home made Cajun rub, let sit for at least 4 hrs, more the merrier and apply the same marinade as glaze during smoking. As often as feel like it. Good luck!!
Well, the ribs came out just ok. I fell asleep during the initial 3 hours, so they got about an extra 30 minutes of smoke and you could certainly taste it. :) What temperature do you shoot for when pulling the meat off? I think they were a little overdone.


There is this methhod as well. Notice the juices after cutting. Pay attentioon to the "show more". I know not everyone agrees, even likes Jack. I happen to agree with most of the stuff he does. Check it out.

Notice that he says to cook at 225F for 1.5 Hrs/Pound or until 195 F internal.
My 1st smoke was 3-2-1 Ribs as well, and yes they were OK. This weekend I decided to try another Traeger Recipe, this time "Smoked Dry Rubbed Baby Back Ribs"... and they were outstanding. Made 3 racks, each with a different rub, Traeger Pork & Poultry, Traeger Rub and Hi Mountain Rib Rub, then coated all with the Traeger Texas Spicy sauce. My opinion... to (almost) die for. This recipe is simple, times were right on, no wrapping needed, fall off the bone.... seriously delicious. Highly recommend. BTW, all rubs were excellent choices, as I opted to experiment with commercial rubs, instead of making my own.
I really don’t have a temp I shoot for when doing ribs. I generally do 3-2-1. After smoking I wrap with butter and honey. Last hour is to set the sauce if I’m saucing. Ribs are more about how the bones pull than temp in my opinion.
You gotta shoot for 205! At that temp, pork falls off the bone. It becomes like pulled pork on a stick.
Well, the ribs came out just ok. I fell asleep during the initial 3 hours, so they got about an extra 30 minutes of smoke and you could certainly taste it. :) What temperature do you shoot for when pulling the meat off? I think they were a little overdone.

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I always add pads of butter and meat side down when I wrap.

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