Help! Problems connecting with Timberline 850


New member
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score
Washington State
Timberline 850
We have a new Timberline 850. I have connected my phone via our wifi to the grill after numerous attempts. My husband has the exact same phone. We have individual sign ins to the app. I can not connect my husband's phone. I get the message " Unable to connect to the grill. Your phone wasn't able to connect to a WiFi network. On the grill check the WiFi settings by going to the Menu>WiFi Settings. If your grill is connected to a WiFi network, you can remove it from your grill by forgetting WiFi settings." Does this mean that I have to forget our WiFi in order to connect my husband's phone to the grill? What will happen to the connection I have already established on my phone?
Having taken so long to connect my phone to the grill I am not anxious to forget the network and possible lose the only connection we have at present.

I have called Customer Service too many times to count and have been assured that someone would get back to me just as many times and no one has ever called back. I am as frustrated as I can be and am hoping that someone in this forum understands what I am supposed to do in order to have both phones have the ability to connect to the grill.
Be patient. It will finally connect.
If u have iOS devices connect to it first then try to connect to the android devices.
Thanks for your reply. Phones are Android.

Reboot all devices. Let router to boot up, then let phones and smoker to boot up then try
After rebooting all devices and attempting to connect my husband's phone I got the same message I referred to above. I do appreciate your responses.
I am having an issue with connecting as well. I can’t even get it to connect to one device.
We have a new Timberline 850. I have connected my phone via our wifi to the grill after numerous attempts. My husband has the exact same phone. We have individual sign ins to the app. I can not connect my husband's phone. I get the message " Unable to connect to the grill. Your phone wasn't able to connect to a WiFi network. On the grill check the WiFi settings by going to the Menu>WiFi Settings. If your grill is connected to a WiFi network, you can remove it from your grill by forgetting WiFi settings." Does this mean that I have to forget our WiFi in order to connect my husband's phone to the grill? What will happen to the connection I have already established on my phone?
Having taken so long to connect my phone to the grill I am not anxious to forget the network and possible lose the only connection we have at present.

I have called Customer Service too many times to count and have been assured that someone would get back to me just as many times and no one has ever called back. I am as frustrated as I can be and am hoping that someone in this forum understands what I am supposed to do in order to have both phones have the ability to connect to the grill.
We had the same issue. Realized we have to use the same username/password and now it works. Can’t create two separate profiles for the same grill.