PreSeasoning Pork Butt Question


Feb 15, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific NorthWet
Pro Series 22
I’ve had great results with Traeger’d pork butts by, the night before, MeatChurch Competition trimming, seasoning/rub with S/P and Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub, wrapping in Saran Wrap overnight, TR 250* and ACV spritzing to about 160*, on rack Into aluminum pan tightly covered with aluminum (does anyone here have a supply of the oft-referenced Tin Foil?) foil to 206-210* to rest for a couple of hours before pulling and happily going into a Pulled Pork Overload Coma.

Because of life-timing complications, to get this butt Traeger’d anytime this week, my choices are: 1) apply seasonings/rub just before putting on the Traeger, or; 2) apply seasonings/rub and Saran Wrap not one, but two nights before the start of the cook.

I usually just season 1 hour before--30 minutes on side and let it soak in. I always use a binder--French's Yellow Mustard works well.

If you are using Meat Church springs some Voodoo on there....
I just put my favorite rub on it and put it on the grill.

Try different ways and see what way you like it best.
I usually just season 1 hour before--30 minutes on side and let it soak in. I always use a binder--French's Yellow Mustard works well.

If you are using Meat Church springs some Voodoo on there....

I also use mustard on ribs and Butts before my own rub goes on and about 30 minutes to sit and then on the grill... 'Overnighting' is another one of those "opinion" things that is neither right nor wrong in this case with pork. Personally, for me, putting it on the grill BEFORE it starts to draw out moisture and become juice instead of RUB is what I like cuz the rub heats up and starts to caramelize sooner.
Let’s review...0.00% for 48-hour rub set, and 100% for a 1-hour or less rub set.....
I was born at night, but not LAST night (kinda sorry about that one) so I’m gonna season just before starting the Traegerin’.
Thanks for responding.
i promise to let you know how it comes out relative to my ‘standard’, with pictures (because without pictures, it didn’t happen! 😂).
When pork is on the menu, I apply a light coat of yellow mustard to hold the rub in place, and then apply the rub while the grill is warming up to target temperature (usually about 30 minutes before the pork is placed in the smoker)
I’m definitely in the “Rub-on-Mustard-on-Pork” camp. A friend of mine accused me of drinking yellow mustard because he had no concept of any normal person who considered Costco’s mustard aisle as sacred ground.
Yellow mustard on pork; olive oil on Chicken & Beef (y)