These look pretty interesting, and based on personal experience with their gas grills should be a pretty solid product with excellent customer service.
I for one am interested to see this perform. Although I wouldn't see these as much if any upgrade to the Traeger line.
If I was buying again with the same knowledge I had at that point, I would be very strongly leaning in this direction...
Buying again today, I am pretty sure I would likely 'upgrade' to a Yoder which although I have not studied, have not see a bad word about or possibly Rec Tec but due all the problems with Wifire and questionable design, sadly I would not buy Traeger again (Ironwood 650).
I for one am interested to see this perform. Although I wouldn't see these as much if any upgrade to the Traeger line.
If I was buying again with the same knowledge I had at that point, I would be very strongly leaning in this direction...
Buying again today, I am pretty sure I would likely 'upgrade' to a Yoder which although I have not studied, have not see a bad word about or possibly Rec Tec but due all the problems with Wifire and questionable design, sadly I would not buy Traeger again (Ironwood 650).