New Traeger owner - need help! (Eastwood 22)


New member
Feb 13, 2020
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
Eastwood 22
Hi everyone! Hoping y'all can help me here...

So I LOVE my Traeger. Everything I've cooked thus far has been outstanding... but I'm having an issue with the Smoke setting getting WAAAAAAAY too hot (like in the 300 range). I've tried everything I can think of and based on what I've read, I've done everything right; I've left the grill open on startup for at least 10 minutes, kept the insides clean and clear of ash, etc... but it still gets waaaaaay too hot. It's a shame because I'd really like to use it more.

What am I not trying that I should be? Is there just something wrong with my Eastwood 22? It's ONLY on the Smoke setting that I'm having issues. Everything else works fine.
When it overshoots your set temp does it remain there, or does it eventually settle-in near your desired temp? I'm not familiar with the Eastwood but I ask in part because on many current models it is advised against leaving your door open during ignition and/or preheat.