Pellets I still need to prove this, but Bear Mountain Pellets go fast


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Aug 3, 2020
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Been using Traeger Pellets since I bought my rig... want to experiment with other pellet brands, I think my last cook I had about a third hopper full of these for a 1.5hr cook... open the hopper lid tonight for grins and saw it was almost empty.... I'll try something else this weekend but if they burn that fast then it's not worth it really...
They put out great smoke, the temps were fine, i was very pleased with the taste... but I had no idea I almost went thru at least a third hopper for only smoking chicken wings??? yeah it was 350 for about 40 minutes of that but still...

40lbs for only $26, so maybe that's the trade off... like I said, no complaint on the smoke or flavor but...
Seems they are kinda "multi purpose" to be using in a Traeger if you want long smokes...
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I’ve noticed that the Cabelas brand pellets burn a lot faster than the Traeger pellets as well. Especially at higher temps - say 350 or more.
Check your grill specs, mine says 2 3/4 lbs per hour. So a 20lb hopper in 7.5 hours. Obviously set temperature plus external weather dictate the actual burn rate at a given moment.

Maybe a more compressed pellet will burn hotter/longer pound for pound.
I’ve noticed that the Cabelas brand pellets burn a lot faster than the Traeger pellets as well. Especially at higher temps - say 350 or more.

Yeah I'm thinking that 350 period was my big burner... but here's the interesting thing... I was getting GOOD smoke all thru that 350 stage, normally the Traeger pellets don't smoke good at high temps... this one does!!!
I'm also seeing more smoke at higher temps with "CookinPellets", they aren't as glossy as Traeger pellets so maybe not compressed as much.

I grilled Salmon the other night at 500F with Traeger Alder pellets. It didn't use much fuel at all for the 30min run, but I'm insulated now as well and high temps would be where insulation helps the most.
I'm also seeing more smoke at higher temps with "CookinPellets", they aren't as glossy as Traeger pellets so maybe not compressed as much.

Yeah same with the Bear Mountain... i want to try Bear Mountain hickory/mesquite blend, i just wanna make sure these pellets are not doing any harm to my rig....

I don't see how.... maybe leaving more ash but that's easy to vacuum
Yeah same with the Bear Mountain... i want to try Bear Mountain hickory/mesquite blend, i just wanna make sure these pellets are not doing any harm to my rig....

I don't see how.... maybe leaving more ash but that's easy to vacuum
The difference I see is the Traeger pellets claim "100% hardwoods" while CookinPellets claim "100% Hickory". I'm not worried about any damage, as long as the pellets don't breakdown in the auger and bind it, something I've not seen at all. Ash quantity seems the same and it's so easy to vacuum the grill that I do it all the time now.

I have been using Bear Mountain in my IW since day one. In addition to the above, I've found other references that Traeger pellets use oil for flavor. No thanks and certainly nothing I'm going to pay more for vs. other brands of pellets that are made of the wood that they claim to taste like. I haven't experienced anything that I'd call faster than expected burn rates with the Bear pellets whether that's 10hrs low-and-slow for brisket or high temps for other cooks. Every time I open a 40lb bag I order another, that way I don't every have to worry about running out.
I've been wanting to try Bear Mountain pellets. I'll have to order some and try them out on my next cook!
So what has everyone found? Do the burn faster? My local farm store has selected flavors on sale 7 bucks a bag . I havent had a chance to try the ones i got at the bogo sale yet. Just curious as im going to buy some anyway. :)
$7?? buy it! I suspect that many suppliers use wood blends, even in the single flavor offerings. They usually say 100% "Pure Hardwoods" vs 100% Pure Hickory that say "CookinPellets" states.

I've read explanations that they blend in things like Oak to ensure a more uniform heat output between flavors. Sounds logical. I spoke with Traeger and they told me that they do not use flavored oils, but do use small amounts of vegetable oils in the pressing process.

Hell, even if they burn a bit faster, that is a screaming deal I'd say.
Yep. I got 2 bags 1 cherry and 1 gourmet blend. They were out of apple and mesquite. Im set for a while now, got a total of 4 1/2 bags. :)
I've stopped comparing them to anything else... RemE said it best... for me, burn time or not, I like the pellets and they like my rig... and affordable for sure...

BTW I have also proven WAY LESS dust in Bear Mountain than in Traeger
Good, glad to hear. Im hoping my 780 likes them. Planning a small smoke next weekend, ill finish the bag of Traegers off. Then in 3 or 4 week planning a huge smoke, thr Bear mountains will get a workout.