Going thru a lot of pellets on smokes


New member
Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Pro 780
Hey Guys and Gals.
Im new to the forum. I purchased a Pro 780 back in September. I like it but when I cook briskets I go thru a bag and a half of pellets. I must be doing something wrong. Plus I have very little smoke. I smoke the briskets at 240 for 10-12 hours depending on the size of the briskets. Due to my travel schedule I have only been able to cook on the 780 4-5 times. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Something does sound a bit off. I did a brisket last weekend for about 10 hours @250 degrees and only used about 3/4 of a hopper full. I wasn't happy with the amount of smoke either but I'm also new and used the signature blend rather than a stronger single type wood pellet. I'm going to do some more large meat smokes and see if I can't get the wood smoke flavor stronger. Good luck
... I wasn't happy with the amount of smoke ...

One way to get more smoke on the meat is to start on the "Smoke" or startup setting, so it's not cooking very much. Give it an hour or so, then set the temperature to your desired point.
Something does sound a bit off. I did a brisket last weekend for about 10 hours @250 degrees and only used about 3/4 of a hopper full. I wasn't happy with the amount of smoke either but I'm also new and used the signature blend rather than a stronger single type wood pellet. I'm going to do some more large meat smokes and see if I can't get the wood smoke flavor stronger. Good luck
Thank you for your response