Getting way too hot


New member
Feb 3, 2020
Reaction score
Traeger Texas Elite
Accidentally posted this on the portables page (I'm new here), so posting again here for suggestions....

Been having lots of issues with my Traeger lately. Have had it around 10 years so I've been through many different challenges with with the grill. I've probably replaced my controller 2-3 times over the years and replaced 1 hot rod. In December I was having issues with the fuse blowing. I ordered a new controller and auger motor. Installed both of them, turned the grill on and everything seemed to be working normal again. I didn't have anything to cook at the time, so I shut it down. Fast forward to this weekend and I was planning on cooking some pork belly. I cleaned out the fire box and turned the grill, set to smoke. Seemed to get started ok, so I went inside to prepare the meat. Came out after 5 min or so and it seemed to be heating up fine, smoking, etc., so I shut the lid and turned it up to 225. Go back inside to wait for it to regulate. About 20 min later I come out and it's over 500. WTH? I take the grates and everything out to see what's happening and the fire is huge and the auger is still turning. I shut it down, put out the fire, clean it out and start over. Same result. The auger is not slowing down or going into pause mode when it gets over the requested temp. This is a brand new Traeger controller. I have ordered a new controller again, thinking maybe I just got a faulty controller. I also have contacted Traeger but they are no help. They just send the standard set of starting instructions. Anyone see this before? Am I on the right track with thinking it was just a bad controller?
do you leave it plugged in? are you able to see if its feeding pellets at all times even when off and plugged in? Or how about when you have it turned on, does the auger speed change its rpm or stay constant? I haven't taken a Traeger apart yet so I have to ask the basic questions, Is the auger motor separate from the controller? My wonder is if the auger motor has a short and just keeps feeding regardless of what the controller has to say.
If its off but plugged in the auger motor doesn't run. As soon as I turn it on and put it on smoke, or any other temp, the auger motor starts turning at a constant speed and doesn't stop. It just keeps feeding pellets, which in turn creates a very hot blaze in the fire box. The auger motor is wired to the controller. I even checked to make sure it wasn't cross wired by unplugging the wire while it was turned on. The wiring is all correct.
If its off but plugged in the auger motor doesn't run. As soon as I turn it on and put it on smoke, or any other temp, the auger motor starts turning at a constant speed and doesn't stop. It just keeps feeding pellets, which in turn creates a very hot blaze in the fire box. The auger motor is wired to the controller. I even checked to make sure it wasn't cross wired by unplugging the wire while it was turned on. The wiring is all correct.
well its either the controller or the auger motor. If you still have warranty on the new controller I would try and use that and get a new one. IF the same problem occurs then Id say motor. Id also want to know the old style auger motor it like, is it an on/off or a variable motor like the D2 now. That would help with solidifying a controller if its and on/off system instead of variable.
Got my new controller in yesterday, installed it and everything is working like it's supposed to. I guess Traeger just sold me a bad controller. Of course, they never got back to me about the issues or offered anything, so take that for what it's worth. I've enjoyed the Traeger but honestly I'm ready to move on to a different brand once this one bites the dust. The company support is terrible.
Good to hear it's fixed and you're lucky that you caught it before you had a major fire at your house.
I’m going through the exact same thing right now. I just replaced my controller . So I guess it may be faulty as well . Darn, I’m glad it’s an easy fix, I hope
I am going through something similar. My Traeger Pro would just shoot through the temp wise. Was told by support to change the controller. I have a spare pellet box, new controller auger all in one so i just replaced the whole thing....went through start process 1) put on smoke to check air flow then shut down cycle 2) turn on high get pellets into fire then shut down cycle. Then i turned it got smoke and it shot up to over 400 degrees. Everything is brand new out of the box. It is possible i got bad lot number?
I went with a third party controller and it works great.
The Traeger controllers are not that good compared to others. Now if flame boss would build one for them it would be great.
Accidentally posted this on the portables page (I'm new here), so posting again here for suggestions....

Been having lots of issues with my Traeger lately. Have had it around 10 years so I've been through many different challenges with with the grill. I've probably replaced my controller 2-3 times over the years and replaced 1 hot rod. In December I was having issues with the fuse blowing. I ordered a new controller and auger motor. Installed both of them, turned the grill on and everything seemed to be working normal again. I didn't have anything to cook at the time, so I shut it down. Fast forward to this weekend and I was planning on cooking some pork belly. I cleaned out the fire box and turned the grill, set to smoke. Seemed to get started ok, so I went inside to prepare the meat. Came out after 5 min or so and it seemed to be heating up fine, smoking, etc., so I shut the lid and turned it up to 225. Go back inside to wait for it to regulate. About 20 min later I come out and it's over 500. WTH? I take the grates and everything out to see what's happening and the fire is huge and the auger is still turning. I shut it down, put out the fire, clean it out and start over. Same result. The auger is not slowing down or going into pause mode when it gets over the requested temp. This is a brand new Traeger controller. I have ordered a new controller again, thinking maybe I just got a faulty controller. I also have contacted Traeger but they are no help. They just send the standard set of starting instructions. Anyone see this before? Am I on the right track with thinking it was just a bad controller?
Similar issues here. Auger motor and controller went bad. Bought new controller and auger motor, and for the heck of it a new RTD/thermocouple, installed all. Took all correct steps in checking hot rod and auger function. Temp showed accurate ambient temp before ignition. Then it insisted to go to 300 degrees on smoke setting. Ruined food because I found out too late. I’m done. Been a Traeger man since 2007. No more.