File Upload Issues


Active member
Grill Master of the Month
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Ironwood 885

There seems to be a file upload restriction somewhere for a few things.

1. File upload size is restricted so higher resolution pictures can't be uploaded, say 8MB files. This is understandable but would like to see this allowed. Nice pictures and cameras these days are higher res.

2. When uploading multiple images, everything freezes and I have to refresh the page. I then get some security warning saying suspicious activity was detected and I have to click I'm not a robot and then upload again. Kind of annoying would be nice to fix.

Other than that site is great!

I cannot speak to #2 but regarding your thought on #1, if you were uploading files to a lab for printing on paper you would want to do so without resizing but for viewing on a monitor it is not necessary to upload full resolution images. And that would be one reason why sites that offer image hosting will often restrict the file size (or resize them automatically).
I cannot speak to #2 but regarding your thought on #1, if you were uploading files to a lab for printing on paper you would want to do so without resizing but for viewing on a monitor it is not necessary to upload full resolution images. And that would be one reason why sites that offer image hosting will often restrict the file size (or resize them automatically).

that’s fine and as I said I can understand why, but don’t fail the upload, it should still be allowed and resized. This isn’t working that way.

There seems to be a file upload restriction somewhere for a few things.

1. File upload size is restricted so higher resolution pictures can't be uploaded, say 8MB files. This is understandable but would like to see this allowed. Nice pictures and cameras these days are higher res.

2. When uploading multiple images, everything freezes and I have to refresh the page. I then get some security warning saying suspicious activity was detected and I have to click I'm not a robot and then upload again. Kind of annoying would be nice to fix.

Other than that site is great!


Looking into these issues now. Thanks for reporting them. I have a software update planned for the site tomorrow, so I'm hoping that will resolve some bugs as well.