Every online issue has converged on my POS Pro 575


New member
Oct 24, 2020
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Pro 575
Well, actually the Wifire has never worked. Tonight, my 4-1/2 month old Pro 575 couldn’t get to temperature (450). Then it actually started to lose heat, until it was below 250 degrees. That seems to be the daily double of common complaints. But then I called customer service (30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back), and completed the trifecta of Traeger misery, by speaking with customer service.

I guess if you spend $700 on a grill that goes belly up in 4-1/2 months, it’s your problem to fix. I give the. Credit though. With an irate customer on the line, whose angry about his 6 filet mignons not cooking, the customer service agent had the presence of mind to try to upsell me on an insulated grill blanket...WTF!
Well, actually the Wifire has never worked. Tonight, my 4-1/2 month old Pro 575 couldn’t get to temperature (450). Then it actually started to lose heat, until it was below 250 degrees. That seems to be the daily double of common complaints. But then I called customer service (30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back), and completed the trifecta of Traeger misery, by speaking with customer service.

I guess if you spend $700 on a grill that goes belly up in 4-1/2 months, it’s your problem to fix. I give the. Credit though. With an irate customer on the line, whose angry about his 6 filet mignons not cooking, the customer service agent had the presence of mind to try to upsell me on an insulated grill blanket...WTF!
Are you staying that they won't supply parts? Or that you provide the labor?

Man, if CS hit me with an up sell, I'd stop cold, "Seriously, really, Seriously?"

I'd love to know the engineering explanation for a slow flame out. It should be simple, spin auger longer, get bigger fire.
I'm hugely disappointed with my Pro 575. I only use the WiFire to set the temperature after reading the 2 third party temp probes in the smoker and probe in the meat. Sadly, I have converted a couple friends to the Weber.
My 575 has been flawless.
Use it a couple times a day. Sure I've had temperature swings and generally figure out it needed a cleaning.
Sorry to hear you have had such trouble.
Never had one problem with mine. If I had your problems I would contact Traeger and ask to be put through to a manager and stay there until they fix the problem, or take the problem to the dealer, they can get to Traeger a bit easier than you or I.
Just bought my Pro 575, should i be worried about all the issues?
I wouldn’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet....
‘However you have insights in to things that may happen, and know what to look for...
I would agree with @John S. , i know of 2 people in the states that i talk to that purchased Pro 780s as i did. Both of their grills work perfectly as designed. Mine on the otherhand not so much. After much research, 2 parts warrantied by Traeger, and purchasing a 3rd party themometer so i can monitor actual grill temp. Mine works great. I did a 19 hr cook this weekend, everything came out great. Bottom line use it, make great food. If you have troubles ask. There is alot of great people on here that can give you advise.
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I wouldn’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet....
‘However you have insights in to things that may happen, and know what to look for...
I agree! There was a lot of information out there which prepared me for everything i encountered. WIFI was a breeze, learned fluctuations is normal which for the most part was very stable, and found that cooking at 180 for smoke, at this point, was best temperature. If there’s a better temp setting for smoking, I would love to hear..
Anything below 225 on the traeger controller, allows super smoke ( if you have that option) but I would suggest that you look at a FireBoard to get accurate temperatures.