D2 Grills and Non-Traeger Pellets


New member
May 18, 2019
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Pro 570
Hello everyone,

Anyone on here have any of the new grills with the D2 controller and use Lumberjack or BBQrs Delight pellets? When I use Traeger pellets, the grill does an amazing job of holding tight control on the temperature. When I use the other brands, the temperature fluctuates A LOT more. A setting of 165 has my temps swinging between 125 and 210, whereas with Traeger pellets it stays between 145 and 185, usually even tighterhttps://scrabblewordfinder.vip/ https://www.applock.ooo/ https://www.7zip.vip/

It seems like the Lumberjack and BBQrs Delight take more energy to combust than the Traeger is expecting. So it loads pellets, which don't ignite yet, so it loads more, then suddenly POOF - it all lights up and the temps go super high, so the Traeger backs off. And the cycle continues. Very frustrating.
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That's a good point as to the type of wood, as that will have a great effect.

Since we are so new to this grill, I hit up the Pellet Grill Enthusiast Facebook group (22,000+ Members) and the majority love the LumberJack pellets in all grills. So that's all we have bought so far and have had good luck. I am unsure if the ash is higher as we have nothing to compare to. But temps have been pretty rock solid. The price is right too.

I have gone through 30lbs or Competition blend, and probably 18lbs of Apple. We have 20lbs of Hickory on deck for the next smoke.

Good luck!
Hello everyone,

Anyone on here have any of the new grills with the D2 controller and use Lumberjack or BBQrs Delight pellets? When I use Traeger pellets, the grill does an amazing job of holding tight control on the temperature. When I use the other brands, the temperature fluctuates A LOT more. A setting of 165 has my temps swinging between 125 and 210, whereas with Traeger pellets it stays between 145 and 185, usually even tighterhttps://scrabblewordfinder.vip/ https://www.applock.ooo/ https://www.7zip.vip/

It seems like the Lumberjack and BBQrs Delight take more energy to combust than the Traeger is expecting. So it loads pellets, which don't ignite yet, so it loads more, then suddenly POOF - it all lights up and the temps go super high, so the Traeger backs off. And the cycle continues. Very frustrating.
I've used both Traeger and Lumberjack pellets. My T850 doesn't show any temp fluctuation between the pellets but I have the gen 1 grill not the new d2 controller. I do notice a bit more ash with the Lumberjack. My boss at work has a catering business and he buys Lumberjack pellets in bulk so I can normally score 40 lb bags for $20 which is a huge savings for me.
When on smoke or super smoke (between 165 and 225) the controller will try and maintain an inefficient fire so smoke is generated. If you want higher temp the fire has to be more efficient to maintain the temp and so it burns clean. Don't let the swings spook you, look at the mean temp
You likely have your answer by now but here's a quick cook from last week using Lumber Jack where my target temp was 260 (I think) before cranking it up toward the end. Ambient was 50f. I don't have a log yet where I utilized Super Smoke <200f but as Beaser noted the swing may likely be different using that feature.

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