Cold weather startup

Jim G

Active member
Dec 5, 2020
Reaction score
Ironwood 885, Weber Genesis, Blackstone w/air fryer
On my IW 885, what is the difference between a "regular" and a cold weather startup? At what temp does it decide to choose cold weather startup? Doesn't seem to take any longer. It's a balmy 26 here in MN and cold started.
That's a good question, it would be nice to know what, if anything, the grill does differently when cold. Maybe it's letting you know so that IF it takes longer to start that you will know why.
I noticed it below 40°ish... this is not perfect but I wasn't getting it in the 50s with the sun out, and we have had way too mild of winter here in STL so for me it was low 40 and lower...
My TL 1300 seems to take longer when it displays “cold weather warmup”. I’ve also wondered what it’s actually doing. I thought maybe the hotrod was coming on intermittently to warm things up, but I really don’t that’s the case, since I don’t see any smoke.
My TL 1300 seems to take longer when it displays “cold weather warmup”. I’ve also wondered what it’s actually doing. I thought maybe the hotrod was coming on intermittently to warm things up, but I really don’t that’s the case, since I don’t see any smoke.
If I were to guess, they would increase the on time of the hotrod, maybe hold off some on the fan, to allow some extra time to heat the first pellets.
My TimberLine 850 is starting up in the Cold Weather Startup Mode. It is 23*F outside, feels like 16. Up to temp in less than 20 minutes. Fuel is Traeger I got at Costco. Comp blend. Got to love it.