
First cook since the fix. After the warm up the temps were about 15-20 degrees off. That's not for off from what they were before so I'm okay for now. Could be the Fireboard probe needs to be repositioned.
First cook since the fix. After the warm up the temps were about 15-20 degrees off. That's not for off from what they were before so I'm okay for now. Could be the Fireboard probe needs to be repositioned.

If mine is not almost touching the Traeger probe then immediately it is almost 20° off
My internal temperature probe was replaced under warranty for my CostCo Century 885. I looked at the Traeger video and then looked at the grill. I took out the two screws holding the probe and cut it off the cord. I then shoved the rubber (?) gasket and probe wire into the void between the pellet hopper and the side of the grill. I removed the D2 and unplugged the other end of the probe wire. It was simple to pull the old probe wire out as it went down from the void into free air space inside of the hopper. Starting from inside the grill, I shoved the plug end of the new probe through the side of the grill into the void. Using my really long articulating needle nose pliers, I pulled most of the wire through the hole and threaded it down into the free space of the hopper. I reached through the D2 hole and brought up the yellow plug to attach it to the computer board. The contacts of the plug are slightly different widths to insure proper polarity. I re-attached the D2. I then addressed getting the rubber (?) gasket around the wire and positioned the ambient air temperature probe so the two screws could be re-inserted.

I spent more time going back and forth to get tools in the garage then the job took.

I also received a new meat temperatureprobe under warranty. So when I powered the grill up to check things, I did the ice water calibration comparing the Traeger probe to my Thermapen MK4. I set the off-set to the displayed temperature so it agreed with the Thermapen Mk4. I checked ambient air temperature on the MK4 and compared it with the air temperature sensed by the newly installed grill internal air temperature probe and they were within three degrees which is an acceptable variance.

So I have my first really big grilling session tomorrow and hope the darn thing cooks properly. If it is a disaster, then the 885 is out of here and I will try the 1300 which by design should have a more even temperature in the cooking space.
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My 1300 Traeger Grill probe is precise if not accurate and I have a 10 degree gradient below 225 Left to Right and about 20 degrees 250 to 450. Take a look at RemE's Temp Gradient Mod here on the Forum. Use a FB2 w/ 2 ambient probes located at the Traeger location and on the opposite side to get Temps then depending on what I am cooking up to 4 FB probe3s in the meat...
For a Brisket the Point is always to the left....
Thanks. Why don't they have some kind of protection for such a fragile thing in a precarious location?
The funny thing is on some site this is how it is advertised.

The kit number is the same as Traegers number that has the open ended probe.
Did another cook today with the JB Weld repaired TC. The temp differences between the Traeger TC and FB were much more aligned like within 10 degrees or less. Plus, there was virtually no overshoot during the warmup.
Which JBWeld did you use?
Which JBWeld did you use?
Original Cold Weld Formula. Good for up to 550-600 Deg depending on where you're looking. JB website says 550; Lowes says 600. Either way it will work for me as I don't go past 400. Tried 500 once and lit off the grease in the tray. Once is enough ☹️. I made sure it set up a good couple days before grilling.


  • JB Weld.jpg
    JB Weld.jpg
    199 KB · Views: 75
The JB Weld epoxy should work. Rather than epoxy, I made a similar repair using high temp (red) silicone gasket sealant.


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