Can't get high temps (SOLVED!!!!)


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May 21, 2020
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I've done everything I know how to do. New traeger pellets, clean grill, clean fire pot, fans working, auger turning at proper speed, temp probe functioning properly, Smoke stack wide open. But when I turn the grill to high it maxes out at around 350 degrees. I don't need it to get super hot, but I'd like to be able to sear something. Thanks for any help you can provide!
I have been having the same problem with temp. Customer Service said it could be a faulty RTD and sent me a new one. (I get that might show the temp being different on the display but the meat would still sear if I hit a high temp, which it doesn't)

Haven't installed it yet because I think my problem has to do with cooking when there is slight wind and cool out side temps. (5-10mph winds in the 50-60's) and my PRO34 being a larger size. I am still looking into solutions other then the ones you listed because I did all that too.

Been trying to solve this problem for almost 5 weeks. Will let you know if I figure something out
So I got it up to about 415 today. I read somewhere else that the Traeger Premium blend pellets, or whatever the heck they are called, run cooler. So I cleaned the temp probe thoroughly, made sure the smoke stack had an inch of clearance, did a quick vacuum. Then I loaded some apple pellets from walmart, the cheap bag of pit boss pellets and it ran right up.

I am looking to make a couple mods. First I am going to put some fire brick in the bottom. This will help with heat loss. Less heat loss should mean more even temps and higher temps. I am also going to get a large cast iron griddle to put on top of the heat diffuser. This should also add some mass, but in theory, I could pull out the drip pan and get more heat to the grill grate. I WOULD NOT run it without something between the diffuser and the grate though. My thought here is that the cast iron can take the heat of the diffuser, will also diffuse heat further.

I guess I will let you know!
I am glad you were able to get up to over 400. I will have to try a different pellet also. I first used Traeger Mesquite when I noticed the problem and have been using the Traeger Premium Blend as of now. I do have a bag of Apple so will have to try that as well. Definitely let me know how you make out with the cast iron griddle.

It supposed to be in the mid-high 70's by me this weekend with no wind so I am going to try again.

I have been reading that people have added gaskets around their lid to help with heat and smoke escaping so I might try that as well.
So I‘m now getting temps up to 450 with grill grate temp up to 400. Here is what I’ve found...
1. Start with super clean Grill.
2. Ensure smoke stack cover is 1” or more obove the stack.
3. DO NOT use Traeger‘s Signature blend pellets. I’m not sure about other pellets but right now i’m using a blend of apple pit boss pellets and Traeger hickory.
4. line the bottom of your grill with Fire bricks. I bought 8 of them for $32 from my local wood stove store.

Here are the results...
10 minutes after closing the lid and turning up grill I was at 427.
13 minutes after closing lid I was at 450.
I opened the lid on the grill for 60 seconds to simulate putting burgers on the grill and the it dropped to 327.
60 seconds later and I was back up to 432
120 seconds after closing the lid I was back up to 440+

Best $32 I ever spent

I can post pics later if someone would like.
So glad you figured it out, that’s awesome. Will have to get some fire bricks this weekend.
My smoke stack is already that height and I clean grill after every other cook so that’s part is taken care of.
will let you know if works for me.
By the way which grill do you have?
Please post pics. I can get to 450, but my temps drop really fast with the lid open. I'd like to try the bricks to retain heat.
here you go
So I have another question... Will the fire bricks interrupt the air flow from the fan circulating the air inside the barrel? Any ideas?
So I have another question... Will the fire bricks interrupt the air flow from the fan circulating the air inside the barrel? Any ideas?
I don't think it would do much to the air flow. The fan blows out the pot upwards and from there flattens out under the diffuser and continues on its way to circulate as needed. I would see it making a difference if the bricks stood higher than the pot edges on the sides or there wasnt much clearance between the brick and the diffuser.
So I‘m now getting temps up to 450 with grill grate temp up to 400. Here is what I’ve found...
1. Start with super clean Grill.
2. Ensure smoke stack cover is 1” or more obove the stack.
3. DO NOT use Traeger‘s Signature blend pellets. I’m not sure about other pellets but right now i’m using a blend of apple pit boss pellets and Traeger hickory.
4. line the bottom of your grill with Fire bricks. I bought 8 of them for $32 from my local wood stove store.

Here are the results...
10 minutes after closing the lid and turning up grill I was at 427.
13 minutes after closing lid I was at 450.
I opened the lid on the grill for 60 seconds to simulate putting burgers on the grill and the it dropped to 327.
60 seconds later and I was back up to 432
120 seconds after closing the lid I was back up to 440+

Best $32 I ever spent

I can post pics later if someone would like.
If I put the smoke stack cover 1" above the stack, I wouldn't come near 400*. That's where it was from the factory. I put mine roughly 1/8" above the stack and haven't had a problem since. Yesterday I smoked a prime rib at three temperatures: 180, 225 and 500* to reverse sear. It shot to 500 in less than 5 minutes. It actually went up to 530* before settling back to 500. The Prime Rib came out a perfect medium rare at 130* internal temp.

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