New member
Hello all, this is my first post on here but I do a lot of reading
anyhow, our son brought a Wagyu brisket from Texas home which we cooked yesterday for our evening meal ... this was the second one that I had done....we cooked low and slow at 225-250 and wrapped it at 6 hours when the temp was about 160....then cooked for another 6 hours and it was right at 200 or a bit more depending on where we probed and then put it in the cooler for a few hours with towels top and bottom.......I used lumberjack competition blend for the entire cook......this one we cooked fat side up and my observation was that everyone loved the was good, but I noticed there was no smoke ring hardly at all on this Brisket....the last one I did had a beautiful smoke ring but I cooked it fat side down.....does anyone have any experience they'd like to share as to why I didn't get a smoke ring?? I mean, it did taste great....but Im wondering if it could have been better....any brisket advice appreciated