Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Ok anybody have a problem signing on to this app? Sign on my computer no problem AS one can see. Load app on my ipad and no go. Sign out here just in case no go. Change password no go. Any thoughts? And yes Traeger you put a red line under my email in the app as I put it in so that tells me something. Hope the grill is better than the app.

And no my account does not heat up......
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Stupid question - but are you trying to log into the Traeger app with the same credentials you use to log into this forum?
Yep. Does not sound stupid now that you said it. Have to create an account? Yep you do. Now how stupid is that? Better yet I go to the help deal here and she sends me to a help my mac site pay a refundable 1.00. Are you kidding me Traeger? Hope this helps someone, if not Mods feel free to delete. Traeger send this guy a $1.00.
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This also happened to me today

It seems that the password on the web site doesn’t meet password restriction of the app.

The app asks for a specific password restrictions

So I changed my web password to meet the app password restriction and it works
Yea the app is different from here. So you have to sign up as a new user. Ofcourse you use your same logins just to keep it simple. Never thunk it.
No just change your password


To meet the above restrictions.
?? I just signed up as new member with same log in as here. Stay simple....
To clarify ... this Forum is not affiliated in any way with Traeger Grills (the Company, their App, or their Website) ... we're just a bunch of Traeger Grill owners who share information and lessons learned ...

From a security perspective, the Traeger Website & App share account credentials, as they leverage the same Traeger Cloud back-end ... this Forum is a standalone entity unto itself, so the logon information is "unique" ...

Personally, I keep my various logon credentials separate amongst all of the Apps/Websites that require them ... to lessen the impact of having to remember it all, I utilize 1Password ( ...
Ok this is getting old. Got my 850 to connect and screen said updating software. This was at 2:00 in the afternoon. Got up in morning same screen. Turned unit off and went to work. Now the power switch light will light but no screen. Any thoughts?
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Ok anybody have a problem signing on to this app? Sign on my computer no problem AS one can see. Load app on my ipad and no go. Sign out here just in case no go. Change password no go. Any thoughts? And yes Traeger you put a red line under my email in the app as I put it in so that tells me something. Hope the grill is better than the app.

And no my account does not heat up......
Are you on a VPN? I was using one through McAfee. I turned it off and it is working now.
Are you on a VPN? I was using one through McAfee. I turned it off and it is working now.
No it was dummy me. I thought this was a "Traeger" support site so I was using my same log in info. Sooo when you download the app sign on as a new user. But as far as Traeger support, I got my problem solved here not there.