Wood Bisquettes vs Hardwood Grilling Pellets


Jan 10, 2021
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seal beach
silverton 620 & Camp chef se/24 w/ sear box, Traeger 22 w/ hillbilly sear station
Is anyone familiar with the Bradley wood bisquette smoker or any other bisquette smoker? I am wondering what the advantages and disadvantages were over a pellet smoker. I was just looking at recipes for Indian candy, going to smoke several pounds, and liked the looks of Bradley Smokers Incredible Candied Smoked Salmon Recipe, and came across their smokers.
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Never cooked with smoked biscuits before. I like em with bacon and eggs though. 🤪

Seriously, they seem to be on par with the vertical pellet smokers out there.

If I were to get one, I would go with the pellet version simply for ease of using a fuel I already have and a fuel that is easily purchasable on a Sunday evening at Lowe's, Home Depot, or my local Grocery, all 10 minutes from my house.

I have a Bradley Smoker. Probably it's biggest downfall is size. To put a brisket on is tight or you wind up cutting it to fit. It is a bit smaller than a small mini fridge. The temperature control on mine is easy to use. I have their digital controller. Set the time and set the temperature and it pretty much does the rest.
The wood pucks are pretty simple to use. Lots of wood types available now. Each puck will burn about 60 minutes. You can stack about 10 hours of them in the holder. Long cooks requires you to refill. It uses a water pan in the bottom that adds moisture but also extinguishes the pucks so they don't smolder or create any ash. Flavor wise for smoke, the Bradley has a bit more. Might because it's a bit more confined and they style of the burn with the pucks.
You won't get oven temperatures from it, so it is just a smoker. I have chosen to keep mine, I like it for smoking spices. I can do 6 baking sheets at a time. It is good for jerky as well.
Thanks for the info guys, sounds really intriguing !! I am probably different than most in that the mechanics if the system seems so unique delivering single units (a whole biscuit) rather than an auger for continuous feed pellets. I am sure they have worked out how to transition the cool down time in between biscuits to one seamless temperature, just trying to get my head around it. Obviously, new to me. Thanks again so much !! you have helped a lot !!
There is no cool down between biscuits. The heating pad starts the burn of the next one so there is continuing and smoke as it it pushed onto the element.
They sell metal pucks to use at the end of your cook so the last 3 are metal so they are in place of the wood pucks so you are partially burning any and wasting any
Forgot to mention that it also has a heating element that controls the temperature on the unit. So you can smoke for as little or as long as you like. The element will keep the unit at temperature.