Wi-Fire, is it me? Or does it suck for everyone?


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Jun 10, 2019
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Corona Del Mar, California
Timberline 850
I love the grill, and want to love the WiFire but it seems to be functionally worthless as a notification system. I have super strong WiFi to the grill, can connect and see the status, BUT, it basically doesn't alarm thru the app.

I was smoking and then reverse searing two Tri-Tips and some chicken. I used the probe and when I plugged it in I chose "yes, set an alarm". I set the alarm temp to 125F and expected to get a notification, nope! I happened to check the app temp was still low, closed the app and re-connected to see that the temp was 135F A#!! I pulled the meat and did the reverse sear, the meat still came out great but I am super disappointed in the grill.

As an insult, I got a push notification this morning! "Grill Fired up!" , WTF, the grill was unplugged last night.

I've no idea of the data flow for WiFire but I will be calling in to service, this performance is just sad.
I hear ya. It's seems to be that the app needs to be active and on screen for alerts to happen. Perhaps we are missing something, but I have the same issue with alarm settings.
I love the grill, and want to love the WiFire but it seems to be functionally worthless as a notification system. I have super strong WiFi to the grill, can connect and see the status, BUT, it basically doesn't alarm thru the app.

I was smoking and then reverse searing two Tri-Tips and some chicken. I used the probe and when I plugged it in I chose "yes, set an alarm". I set the alarm temp to 125F and expected to get a notification, nope! I happened to check the app temp was still low, closed the app and re-connected to see that the temp was 135F A#!! I pulled the meat and did the reverse sear, the meat still came out great but I am super disappointed in the grill.

As an insult, I got a push notification this morning! "Grill Fired up!" , WTF, the grill was unplugged last night.

I've no idea of the data flow for WiFire but I will be calling in to service, this performance is just sad.
Did you ever get this figured out? Bought an Ironwood last week and am having the exact same issue with the notifications. Super frustrating.
Did you ever get this figured out? Bought an Ironwood last week and am having the exact same issue with the notifications. Super frustrating.
Nope, as far as I'm concerned, Trager's WiFire is total crap in its current state, can't trust that you will be push notified for anything important. I hope this changes some day for such an expensive product.
Nope, as far as I'm concerned, Trager's WiFire is total crap in its current state, can't trust that you will be push notified for anything important. I hope this changes some day for such an expensive product.
I received an update last night from the App Store. Hopefully it fixes some issues
Same feeling here. It's just a thermometer. Piece of crap....
Apparently version 1.3.6 has been available since 4 Sept and by reading the reviews since then, I think I'll wait a bit longer to update.
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Seems the last update fixed the notifications, cuz yesterday I got a notification saying my T is ready. (T temperature met ) I need to test to see if probe notification works as i know before it didn't.
New to it but the app is giving me fits too. signal drops, temp freeze, timer will not even start at your setting. trying the alert function today. will see how that goes. hopefully I will get a software update.
It still pretty much sucks. It did alert me when it was up to temp. I then set a temp probe alarm and was roasting up an expensive whole tenderloin for killer sliders. I watched everything like a hawk and once again, the app failed to alert on the phone when the temp was hit and passed. It should alarm for its life!

TRAEGER, if you monitor this forum at all, is it too much to ask for the app to work in the background??? This should alert with the phone in your pocket! The phone should always get the push notification when the temp alarms, or you might as well pack it in.

I met a Traeger rep at my local Costco when picking up the meat, super nice guy. I gently mentioned how unreliable this WiFire system is and that Traeger support seems a bit clueless on the subject. He agreed that WiFire "is too new, no one is really up to speed on it".

I told him that I loved my Timberline 850 (they don't sell them at Costco) but I was pretty disappointed at its performance. He said that they are overkill and really only good for arctic cooking with the double walls and 400lb weight.

Really made me feel good about my purchase, not.

I have left my unit on standby for a week and it has never updated software, not sure what it takes to get one, if even available.
The app has issues and should have been reworked totally but it wasn't. Start calling service, there should be a dedicated line for Timberline owners. Hold their feet to the fire. Service like to send parts and bribes (sauce, accessories and rubs), demand answers, if your not happy with a service rep then speak with a supervisor.
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I get notifications just fine. I have a Timberline 850, the newest version purchased in June. .
Costco only sells the more basic technology and the salesmen that cover the roadshows are just that, I wouldn't let what he said bother you.
I met a Traeger rep at my local Costco when picking up the meat, super nice guy. I gently mentioned how unreliable this WiFire system is and that Traeger support seems a bit clueless on the subject. He agreed that WiFire "is too new, no one is really up to speed on it".

I find this mildly filled with humor. As Traeger is using Costco as a clearing house for old models with outdated tech. Not that they don't work as they will work just fine as they have for many years. But the folks that are "representing" Traeger are probably not associated with Traeger at all, and just part timers hired by a company that puts on roadshows in clubs across the country.

Their experience with WiFire is probably only that of answering questions to current owners and then badmouthing it as, they are not allowed to sell them. Too funny. Take that with a grain of salt as bad advice.
They do work for Traeger but they are sales people whose job it is to sell Traegers older technology. I would really doubt that they have anything to do with Wifire or D2 technology. The hours are long and they spend weeks on the road, not the ideal job. You're probably right about the Traeger Road Show Reps indifferent answer.

My Traeger Junior actually had a door that was a perfect fit. No smoke leaking at all. The basic technology has it's place and there are those that have different needs and priorities. At times I'm sorry that I got rid of my old Junior.

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