Very little to no visual smoke??


New member
May 1, 2019
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Hi, I have recently owned a 34 inch pro series smoker going on 4 years. I am very familiar with the smoke cycles and how much you see the smoke produced. I just bought a Ironwood 885 and have performed the initial burning off of the oils, etc. I have now fired the smoker up 4 times to watch the full operations. Aside from a very little amount of visual smoke when it first lights and very little on the cool down, I do not see any smoke at all coming from the exhaust. Like none! Also, I have set the temperature to 200 F and set it on Super Smoke. Again, absolutely not a wisp of visual smoke. Is this correct? Am I missing something? I have cooked food on it twice now and I believe the only smoke it is omitting is from the drippings on the drip tray. Although I know I'm cooking with wood, it's like and am on my ancient old gas grill.

I am used to the amount of smoke produced by my old Pro 34. I know that the Iron wood is more technically advanced and the design is different but I don't see any smoke at all. Anyone else experiencing this. I called Traeger Tech support and they told me to buy a smoke box and set it in???? Not something I feel I should have to do.

Your experiences and advice is appreciated.

Smokless Shaun
If it is burning clean and efficient you shouldn't see smoke exhausting as a clean proper smoke is thin blue (basically invisible) smoke. If you can see white smoke it is burning dirty and you don't want food to be exposed to white dirty smoke as your food will be bitter tasting. Relax and enjoy if your food is tasting the way u like it and enjoy not seeing the white crap.
Ok Thanks. I hear you and understand. This thing must be burning 100% percent efficient because I don't even see the thin blue smoke. However, it is coming up to temp and maintaining very nicely. I will see how things go over the next few cooks and see how the flavour is. Thanks again!
Yup, you really shouldn't see the blue smoke. Smoke will basically turn invisible and that is what you want for clean smoke taste. Let us know after a few cooks and let us know how your making out. Happy to help and have a great night.
My Ironwood does the same and when I open it (which I shouldn’t). I may see a very light smoke. I’m just trusting it will do it’s job. ?
My Ironwood does the same and when I open it (which I shouldn’t). I may see a very light smoke. I’m just trusting it will do it’s job. ?

Yup it will do a great job! I have been smoking on charchol for some time and have been around buddy's pellets as well, although this is my first pellet. I learned some time ago white smoke produces a very bitter product regardless of the fuel you smoke with. lol. Try not to look and trust it..... B sure to make sure you calibrate the meat probe. Cheers!

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