Traeger temperature problem

Tim P.

New member
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
Pro 575
Purchased a Traeger Pro 575 one week ago. Tried it out and I noticed the temperature seemed low inside the grill. Used three different thermometers to take temperature readings on the inside of grill on cooking service. All three showed the grill was running consistently 50 degrees colder than the reading on the Traeger display. I called Traeger to discuss the matter and they said that they would believe their probe over any of my thermometers. I was also told that there was no test that I could do to prove that the temp on their display was wrong. Asked to speak to a supervisor and was told that I would be put on hold and that there was no guarantee that I could speak to one. Customer service rep offered no assistance or solutions. Have owned a Traeger for over 10 years and have never had any trouble. Am stymied what to do next. Any ideas??????
Your in the same boat the rest of us are. The 575 is flop. No fix in sight and if you do a quick look at the forum you'll see plenty of threads on this issue.

I finally go fed up with it and took it back and got a Rec Tec. So so happy I did..

So you can either wait for a fix or hopefully return your 575...

I tried everything. New Controler, new thermometer, crank the heat to get correct temp which flew threw the pellets so cost more to run at higher temp.
I've got a Pro 575 and it's working great. It appears that a portion of the initial units shipped from the factory were shipped with defective RTDs (the internal temperature probe inside the grill on the right side) and this is causing temperature issues. My unit doesn't have this problem but a number of people do and they are waiting for Traeger to ship them new RTDs. Other than that, the grill works great and I've made some great meals with this grill.

You can try and return your unit while you are waiting for Traeger to get the new/improved RTDs in stock. They obviously had some issues with the factory in China with the first production run but I'm confident they will sort this out and make everyone happy. Bear in mind that you can have issues with any of the other brands.
Here are two photos of RTDs. The first is a picture of my RTD. Looks like a tube with a silver cone peeking out. The second photo is an example of what some people have found in their grill. No silver cone. Yellow/Red wires sticking out of the tube. My theory is that these are the defective RTDs and the cause of the temperature issue some are having. I have a feeling that Traeger is now waiting on new/redesigned RTDs to show up and it just takes time for the factory to build and ship from China, etc. This is such a typical example of the nonsense that goes on when companies manufacture stuff in China.


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I have the Ironwood 650 and my temp sensor looks like the pic above without the cone. A little bulb on the end of red/yellow wires. It works fine so far . . . .
Purchased a Traeger Pro 575 one week ago. Tried it out and I noticed the temperature seemed low inside the grill. Used three different thermometers to take temperature readings on the inside of grill on cooking service. All three showed the grill was running consistently 50 degrees colder than the reading on the Traeger display. I called Traeger to discuss the matter and they said that they would believe their probe over any of my thermometers. I was also told that there was no test that I could do to prove that the temp on their display was wrong. Asked to speak to a supervisor and was told that I would be put on hold and that there was no guarantee that I could speak to one. Customer service rep offered no assistance or solutions. Have owned a Traeger for over 10 years and have never had any trouble. Am stymied what to do next. Any ideas??????
Return it while you can. Mine is off the same and Traeger is not even dealing with their sales rep honestly. Telling them(Ace Hardware) the same lies. Now it been too long and I’m stuck with it. If you can live with the temperature differences it cooks great. If not return it fast. Doesn’t look like there is going to be a fix, only excuses.
I had really erratic temperature swings with my new trager , after the first few times I used it. Factory rep had me operate the grill while he was on the phone. Had me try
all the scripted troubleshooting Steps. Finally advised they would send out a new temp probe. Took about two weeks. When I was swapping out the probe, I found one of the tiny set screws attaching the probe wires to the board was loose.( not tight)
i installed the new probe and the temp controller work now works great.
I highly suspect the setscrew was the problem, not The probe itself.
ill just hold on to the old probe as a spare.
why the factory didn’t suggest checking the setscrew is a mystery.
im sure this is the root of many temperature controll complaints
Mine works like a dream, never had a problem in all my cooks. I made the mistake of not wiping the probe after each cook and this caused temp problems. Now I sit +/- 5F of my set temp. Just watch you don't hit the probe when you take out the tray to clean.
Mine works like a dream, never had a problem in all my cooks. I made the mistake of not wiping the probe after each cook and this caused temp problems. Now I sit +/- 5F of my set temp. Just watch you don't hit the probe when you take out the tray to clean.
Cleaning the probe was another item the factory never suggested to me either, my son who also has a Trager told me that cleaning the probe fixed his temperature problem, however I had only used mine 3-4 times, and the probe was not at all soiled , but I had wiped it down with a Brillo pad
before I called the factory.
I vote that a dirty probe doesn't make much, if any difference on temperature readings or temperature regulation. At most it would barely slow the response speed, barely.
Sorry mate! but it was throwing my Pro22 all over the place. Then I started to wipe the probe with a damp cloth after each cook and, Voila! temps nearly back to normal. I can see how dirty the probe it is after each cook so it must make a difference, so Traeger say anyway.
Sorry mate! but it was throwing my Pro22 all over the place. Then I started to wipe the probe with a damp cloth after each cook and, Voila! temps nearly back to normal. I can see how dirty the probe it is after each cook so it must make a difference, so Traeger say anyway.
Ponder this, somehow a thermometer, stuck into a piece of meat, reads temps correctly albiet delayed as the meat warms at a different rate than the outside surface.

So another thermometer, covered with a film of grease, is going to read wildly off? OK, I see.

I would not take anything a Trager service rep says to the bank.
We are talking about the inside temp probe, not the meat probe.
Understood, electronically they are the same thing, and they both have the same physics, I was giving an example of an extreme "coating" of a thermometer, a meat probe. Sorry, I'm an electronics type and live with stuff like this.

But all good mate, whatever works for you!