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Nov 11, 2020
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While I was doing a brisket this weekend I heard a squealing sound which seemed to be the auger. It didn’t jam but scared me
I am thinking about 1000 hrs of cooking, but I could be way off. perhaps comments from others
While I was doing a brisket this weekend I heard a squealing sound which seemed to be the auger. It didn’t jam but scared me

Are you sure it wasn't a neighbor jealous of your Traeger and BBQ? It's a certain sound, but obvious from non-Traeger neighbors. They tend to get loud upon smelling the aroma of meat being smoked by a Traeger. I've tried to capture them on video with a game camera during an overnight cook, but they are sneaky.
Are you sure it wasn't a neighbor jealous of your Traeger and BBQ? It's a certain sound, but obvious from non-Traeger neighbors. They tend to get loud upon smelling the aroma of meat being smoked by a Traeger. I've tried to capture them on video with a game camera during an overnight cook, but they are sneaky.
Squealing? If you were cooking pork butt I would say your butcher didn't do a thorough enough job in preparing the meat! :D
About every two or three times I vacuum out the grill I empty the hopper, clear the augur and vacuum out the augur cylinder from each end. I don't (or at least haven't yet) removed the augur. I had a failure early on when the pellets pulverized after a lot of rain, and the pellet dust does not burn, so the fire self-extinguished.

I hear some "squealing" every so often, usually more clanking or grinding. I presume it is the augur loading pellets to the firebox. I think it happens when the hopper is low, or when the girl is heating (more pellets added?). But I'm not sure.
I heard the same out of mine this last weekend. I had it cranked up as high as it goes. (450F) when I came out to do the shutdown cycle the Pellet box had incredibly thick smoke billowing out of it. What do you think caused this? Has anyone seen this before?
Recently I've heard my auger squealing from time to time, if it warms up this weekend ima gonna dump the hopper and clean out the auger/tunnel and see if that helps.
I had a loud squeal once on ignition!!!
had a chipmunk make a bed outta my firepot!!!
Since i got my grill, I've purged and blew out the auger tube once. I ran an air hose out from my air compressor and blew it out . First through the firepot opening out the hopper opening. Then reversed the other way, did it a couple times till nothing came out anymore. I havent had any issues with squealing or smoke coming out the hopper.