Retired AF


New member
Aug 26, 2020
Reaction score
Las Cruces, NM
Like the title states, I retired from the AF in 96, and taught AFJROTC in a rural high school for 19 years, and then retired from the state. I am an active old man and enjoy power carving and wood burning (pyrography).

I have a Vision (Kamado Joe), and have smoked with it for years. I just ordered a ordered a 575, and waiting for it to arrive with much anticipation. C49C5B2D-D10F-4CD2-84B9-757B95B3A8FC.jpegD0D14391-2F80-4952-A50F-212689EA38BC.jpeg
You've got some talent there with the carving
I have a Vision Kamado grill and an Ironwood 650. Still use the Kamado, but the workhorse is the Traeger.
I use a fan and controller for the Kamado and can keep stable temps on that for long cooks.
You may want to look at the Fireboard2 Drive unit for monitoring temps on your food as well at pit temps. It can also control a fan on your Kamado.
Rusty, thank you for the compliment. I too have a fan for the Kamado. I am really looking forward to trying out the Traeger. I also have a dual temp gauge, but will check it out after I emotionally recover from spending the bucks on the Traeger.
I have the BBQGuru CyberQ which I used for years. Then I got the Fireboard2 Drive unit and used it with my existing fan. So happy with that purchase.
The fact that it has 6 probes for temp makes the FB quite versatile. The probes on the Traeger don't seem to have a good track record for accuracy.
Look forward to seeing you share your cooks on your smokers
Like the title states, I retired from the AF in 96, and taught AFJROTC in a rural high school for 19 years, and then retired from the state. I am an active old man and enjoy power carving and wood burning (pyrography).

I have a Vision (Kamado Joe), and have smoked with it for years. I just ordered a ordered a 575, and waiting for it to arrive with much anticipation. View attachment 3947View attachment 3948
Should try making some bad ass cutting boards
Seriously talented artist there Papa! Welcome aboard the smoke train!

My girls are picky and I've made now countless meals where they've heaped high praise on my skills, which for a dad is rare in my house. It's usually "why is this On?/Off?, or this Changed?/Unchanged?, but the Traeger has put out some amazing meals that we all liked.
First of all, Thank you for your service!
Secondly, those are some pretty nice pieces, i wish i had talent like that.
Thirdly, welcome to the forum and enjoy your Traeger.

If you have troubles or questions, ask there are a lot of knowledgeable members here that can help.