Pizza steel size for timberline 850


New member
Dec 18, 2020
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Timberline 850
Hello Traeger community,

I want to cook pizza over my timberline 850. I have been looking at some options such as

- cast iron
- pizza steel
- pizza stone

I am leaning towards a pizza steel. I have read info in other threads on the differences.

if i get a pizza stone, what is the maximum size I can safely get (timberline 850) that will still allow adequate airflow, smoke flavour etc... I don’t want to cut off the air flow.

I also welcome recommendations on pizza steel vs stones and suggested items to buy.

thank you.
I switched to a pizza steel this summer. I won't go back to a stone. I like that it isn't as fragile as a stone, especially for BBQ'ing. It has a bit of weight to the one I have, so I guess that could be a disadvantage. I don't see too many advantages of one over the other, when it comes to use, they both do what they were intended to do.
Mine is from Vermont Casting and fits my IW650 perfectly
My friend went to one of these after having a couple of stones break.

I'm going to flip over my Grill Grates first before I buy one of the steels.
I went with this one for my 850, as mentioned, they are nice but heavy!

Square Pizza Steel by Conductive Cooking (3/8" Deluxe, 14"x14" Square)
Thanks for the info.

i need to measure the area of my lowest rack. Do you know how much room we need to leave between the walls (front and sides) and the pizza steel for airflow/ smoke?

also do you put this on the lowest rack setting for grilling?

thanks You,
Thanks for the info.

i need to measure the area of my lowest rack. Do you know how much room we need to leave between the walls (front and sides) and the pizza steel for airflow/ smoke?

also do you put this on the lowest rack setting for grilling?

thanks You,
Just center it on the lower rack, I never use the lowest position. Heat will circulate all around it no problem. At 450-500F it's a wood fired convection oven.
I never use the lowest position. Heat will circulate all around it no problem. At 450-500F it's a wood fired convection oven.
Do you do this with the grill grates also?
Im excited, My “Nerd Chef” pizza steel arrived, tomorrow I will make my first Traeger pizzas.

Any great recipes for dough? Maybe Neapolitan dough?

I made this dough on Thursday night. I put it in the frig till friday night and it came out awesome. I only used a stone for 1 of the 6 pies as my son made it very thin and some slight holes. I did not use a stone or steel just right on the grates for the others.

Rustic Italian Pizza Dough Recipe Video • CiaoFlorentina
My wife makes a wonderful pizza on our Timberline 850. She buys dough from the bakery and puts the pizza together on a round aluminium pizza tray , 16 inches. She precooks the vegetables, peppers, onions, etc., along with the left over chicken in a frying pan on the stove. Puts it over the dough, covered in tomato sauce and then sprinkles with lots of cheese and into the smoker. Towards the end of the process, the cheese is melted she takes the pizza off the tray and puts it on the rack directly, "decks the pizza." When the crust gets lightly browned on the bottom its done. Back on the tray again for dissection. We tried a party tray size pizza but found the tray blocked the circulation and the smoker did not circulate properly.