Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Ok the place I bought this from gave me "new" controller this morning. Only problem is when I turn it on it tells me to clean my grease trap. Has ver 01.00.11 installed. Cannot connect to my grill via the app. Also the 4 pin connector next to the 3 pin is loose. New board? Oh ok.. Sooo have not tried to fire it up till I get everything right. Tried to do a "reset" but same start up. Any suggestions/thoughts guys? This is the place I get my customer support. Supposedly have a new controller coming from Traeger Monday. Can't complain at least I have a screen to mess with, other one is dead.
Ok the place I bought this from gave me "new" controller this morning. Only problem is when I turn it on it tells me to clean my grease trap. Has ver 01.00.11 installed. Cannot connect to my grill via the app. Also the 4 pin connector next to the 3 pin is loose. New board? Oh ok.. Sooo have not tried to fire it up till I get everything right. Tried to do a "reset" but same start up. Any suggestions/thoughts guys? This is the place I get my customer support. Supposedly have a new controller coming from Traeger Monday. Can't complain at least I have a screen to mess with, other one is dead.

That Firmware version pre-dates what is logged on the WiFIRE Status Page (earliest version listed is 01.01.00 - RELEASED 3/5/19) ... given that I would assume that the current App releases may not be able to successfully setup/pair the WiFIRE Controller to the Traeger Cloud back-end ...
FYI Mods delete if you want. Hope it helps someone. You need to get the grille talking to the wifi first. If you check in your wifi network settings on your device, you should be able to see the grille in the available networks list, and you can connect it directly. Then, when you go into the app, the phone/ipad/whatever should be speaking directly to the grille, which will then prompt youto connect to your home wifi network through the app. I had success manually entering the Q code and the device info, and not using the QR reader.
FYI Mods delete if you want. Hope it helps someone. You need to get the grille talking to the wifi first. If you check in your wifi network settings on your device, you should be able to see the grille in the available networks list, and you can connect it directly. Then, when you go into the app, the phone/ipad/whatever should be speaking directly to the grille, which will then prompt youto connect to your home wifi network through the app. I had success manually entering the Q code and the device info, and not using the QR reader.

They've butchered this page down to a single entry, but the need to enter the Grill UUID value manually with a replacement controller is covered here:

Well I got it down because my NEW controller gives a auger error. And yes it the loose connector on the NEW board goes to? The auger. F this thing. Telling them to pick it up tomorrow.
Well I got it down because my NEW controller gives a auger error. And yes it the loose connector on the NEW board goes to? The auger. F this thing. Telling them to pick it up tomorrow.

Ouch ... you are having some serious bad luck ...
Well I got it down because my NEW controller gives a auger error. And yes it the loose connector on the NEW board goes to? The auger. F this thing. Telling them to pick it up tomorrow.
I thought you were getting a new controller from Traeger on Monday?
Yep just got it today a minute ago. In a box with tie wraps with protective plastic on the screen. The second defective one was from the dealer Saturday just wrapped in some bubble wrap with a loose connection on the board. Still thinking about telling em to come pick up the grill and buying a new one somewhere else. Have been lied to three times and given a used (they said new) controller from them that was broken. Still debating. I know, should just put it all behind me, install the NEW controller and enjoy.
Yep just got it today a minute ago. In a box with tie wraps with protective plastic on the screen. The second defective one was from the dealer Saturday just wrapped in some bubble wrap with a loose connection on the board. Still thinking about telling em to come pick up the grill and buying a new one somewhere else. Have been lied to three times and given a used (they said new) controller from them that was broken. Still debating. I know, should just put it all behind me, install the NEW controller and enjoy.
If the grill is solid and square, lid fits perfect and all looks right, it might be best to swap the controller in and roll.

There is always the chance that a replacement is tweaked or bent in some way. I say this because one guy here got two shipped to him that were warped/bent in one way or another. The Timberlines are very heavy and if anyone in the supply chain drops a box, it could get bent inside. Once it's in your hands, you control it's care.
Yea have a brisket sitting ready to go. Already gave me trusted camp chef away. Grill is solid and has already been season by the store. Sooo I'm gonna suck it up, open a brew and install the NEW controller tonight. With all the problems would be nice if I could get the dealer to replace their bad "new" controller they gave me just for a backup but I doubt it. Gonna try.

Plus I want to put that shelf on like yours any way Haaa. Thanks for all the help in the past.