I am about to Pull my hair out! Can't get Grill to connect


New member
Jun 10, 2024
Reaction score
Pro 575
Ok, So I am beyond frustrated with Traeger Support. I think I have chatted and spoken with 4 or 5 people and no one has been able to help. I have read and tried everything I can think of and still can not connect. the last steps of the connection is spins and spins and spins and then says unable to connect. I have called everyone I know about taking it to a service center but I hear the same thing. We just sell them not service them. have you tried calling support?

The original problem is my smoker quits work a few hours in to the smoking progress and I have to re start it. So my original call was to tech support who said she couldn't help me until I updated the firmware. As we went thru the connection progress it basically timed out and said "unable to connect" my support person said hold on a minute I will get right back with you....CLICK Dial tone.

I am not sure what to do next, I have a broken smoker on my porch and a freezer full of meat I want to cook.

any suggestions?
Try giving it a factory reset: Menu - Settings - About Grill. Hold the Ignite button for about 10 seconds until you see the Traeger logo on the screen. Then try reconnecting to WiFi.

If that doesn't work - which retailer did you buy it from? How long ago? Can you still return/exchange it?
Can you move the grill closer to your router? Sometimes if you just turn the grill, so that the controller is facing towards the router helps with connection. Hard to diagnose when you don't know why it's not connecting. You could also reboot your router and then try connecting.
I know you have read around the subject but could the router possibly be the problem? Maybe that is the place to start given there seems to be the odd anomaly with connections and pairings summarised in the below for example:


A good 2.4GHz signal is required to even start the connection process given it sounds like your grill has never been connected / paired previously?
I havee a brick fireplace that is directly in the line of sigthtd between my router and my grill. That makes it difficult getting a stable WIFi connection.

Also, to set up the connection, you first have to connect your grill to your cell phone and the phone has to be connected to the 2.4 gHz band of your router. Many routers today use the same SSID for the 2.4 and 5 gHz bands. If you try connecting your phone to the router, it will always connect to the faster 5 gHz band rather than the 2.4 gHz band you need. You might need to go into the administrative settings for your router and either establish different SSID for the bands (my preferred method), or you can disable the 5 gHz band temporarily while you set up the grill.
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I’ve posted this reply to another user but we were both using EERO Mesh WIFI. I’ll skip the Mesh part and simply say this. What ultimately allowed me to connect was loading the Traeger App on my iPAD. This was just a desperation attempt since i was already several hours in with the iPhone 16Pro
Connected on first try from ipad! If using Android, same advice - switch to an alternate device and try again. The underlying problem is that Traeger can only connect to 2.4ghz networks and most of us are on dual 2.4/5.0 ghz. It’s hit or miss so I just enabled a guest account on my EERO at 2.4 ghz. Since first connection established successfully, Traeger has been running flawlessly.

Good luck!
Another solution might help. I bought a inexpensive wifi extender at Walmart for $15. I plug the wifi extender near the outside door near the Traeger.
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OP needs to come back before he sees these suggestive replies.
I’m using T Mobile Home Internet and it has both 2.4 and 5 but I keep my I phones WiFi on the 2.4 when using my Traeger and don’t have an issue.

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