How does the wind affect your Timberline?


Active member
Feb 20, 2021
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Okotoks, AB
Timberline 1300, Napoleon Prestige nat gas
New to Traeger (and waiting for delivery of my Timberline 1300), and wanted to know how the wind affects the Timberline. Without a smokestack, is there more or less affect if the wind is coming from any particular direction? I may need to make some changes to block the wind if so. Thanks in advance.
I have found no issue with the wind, the back of the house is blocking the north.
‘I would recommend the RemE timberline insulation project.
The insulation while not directly effecting the wind it does make the unit more efficient.
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Much appreciated. I have two possible locations for my grill, and one of them is definitely NOT protected by the wind. Reading RemE's posts on his project is helpful for sure, if I want or need to add extra insulation in the future.
I would position the grill with the wind blowing from the right, at the pellet hopper side, if possible. This might prevent back flow in high wind.

This was more critical with my first grill (Junior Elite), wind from the wrong direction caused hopper fires with that one. Timberlines are probably better at handling wind.
I have had no issues with wind affecting a cook on the Timberline 1300.
Very windy here in PA last weekend never seen any issues with mine. I was a little mad that I couldn’t smell the smoke
Very windy here in PA last weekend never seen any issues with mine. I was a little mad that I couldn’t smell the smoke
What direction was the wind blowing? Where I want to put this, it’ll mainly come directly from behind.
I think it will be fine no matter how it sets
Much appreciated. At worst, I’d have to add a little windbreak. Not much work, I’m just trying to think about anything I might need to do once I get mine delivered. Should be next week!
Mine sits at the edge of our porch in the wind. My only concern is the occasional spark I see coming out of the back. We put in the insulation suggested by RemE and don’t see any difference in pellet use just the occasional spark
My TL is exposed to prevailing winds from north and west with these winds hitting the hopper end of the TL first and with that positioning, never have had an issue whether it was +30C or -15C outside and windy. Wind does seem to cause more sparks to escape from the vent at rear if running above 225F
I put mine on a trailer and drove 70mph down the highway for 2 hours during my chicken leg cook at 300°.
Fireboard said it was doing fine but I did have one big LOW dip in temp... and it was recovering when I pulled over to check... THE MEAT WAS GONE!!!!
If ya'll were in CO today I am sure your fancy Timberlines with double wall insulation would cook just fine...expect the grill would be have blown to the other side of the patio! Man the wind here the last two days is starting to make me mad!