Cooking 2 briskets


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Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score
Vancouver Island
Ironwood 650
Ever since I got the fireboard drive I have been wanting to cook a brisket on both my Vision Komado grill and Traeger IW650.
That cook has started tonight. Using the weekday brisket method for this cook on both.
Holy cow and holy gospel on the meat sides and gospel on the fat side. Cooking fat side down with a water pan in both
What fuel in the Komado?
What fuel in the Komado?
Canadian hardwood lump charcoal with a couple cherry wood chucks. I realized a little too late that I didn't have a huge selection of chunks left.
I have Louisiana Grill mesquite pellets on the Traeger
Again it looks like the Traeger isn't maintaining as constant a temperature as the Kamado. I am guessing it is the insulation difference in the two. You can barely see the temp line for the Kamado because it holds at temp so well with the Fireboard2 Drive and the pit viper fan.
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Canadian hardwood lump charcoal with a couple cherry wood chucks.

OOOOO yummy, I love LUMP, that is gonna taste diff than the Traeger for sure

Again it looks like the Traeger isn't maintaining as constant a temperature as the Komado.

Traeger is doing what Traeger does I guess... so far the swings don't look BAD
Traeger needs something built in to auto adjust swings... or manually, like a side vent you could play with to open real fast if temps go high... I dunno.
More insulation would help, @RemE has the right idea in what he did to his. I just don't have the desire to mod this thing. Now if someone sold an insulation kit, I would consider that route. I can't set the Traeger to my desired temperature or I will be running hot
190 is about 170-175 set on the Traeger. 225 would be 195-200.
Probably another reason why some people see their cooks finishing before the times indicated.
They are wrapped and set for the long haul.
Temperature on the pits set to 225°F
Vision Grill

15.5 hours in

Not sure why it is happening, but I find it interesting that the flat and point seem to be running opposite on both grills.
15.5 hours in
View attachment 2397

Not sure why it is happening, but I find it interesting that the flat and point seem to be running opposite on both grills.
Must be on different hot/cold spots. When I has playing with the IR camera, I verified that the Timberline 850 is hotter on the left side. I now factor that into my cooks, Brisket Points and Chicken Breasts on the left.
And now they rest until dinner.
I left the Vision grill brisket until it felt tender which seemed to be with the flat at 206 and the point at 211
The Traeger was probe tender at 197/186.
Will post some pics of the meat later and give my opinion on taste and texture on both
I am thinking the Vision was running out of fuel, the fan was running pretty constant for the last hour. Not bad, over 18 hours on a full load of lump.
And now they rest until dinner.
I left the Vision grill brisket until it felt tender which seemed to be with the flat at 206 and the point at 211
The Traeger was probe tender at 197/186.
Will post some pics of the meat later and give my opinion on taste and texture on both
View attachment 2400
Interesting, when I watched Matt's weekday brisket video, it was a little vague at the end. He mentions setting a probe alarm at 195, then letting it go another 25 minutes as I recall. I'll bet mine was done at 197F but I thought 203F was the magic number.

BTW, did you see the new Fireboard2 mag mount? I made one to hold me over but the new one is really nice and works great with perfect access to ports and buttons;

Interesting, when I watched Matt's weekday brisket video, it was a little vague at the end. He mentions setting a probe alarm at 195, then letting it go another 25 minutes as I recall. I'll bet mine was done at 197F but I thought 203F was the magic number.

BTW, did you see the new Fireboard2 mag mount? I made one to hold me over but the new one is really nice and works great with perfect access to ports and buttons;

They always talk about probe tender. Being able to push the probe in like into butter. I am guessing that he doesn't do that on the video because he was at work. My experience on the two I did today was one was tender at 196 and the other 205. Probably depends on the meat, or maybe it was the difference in the two pits.
I always use the temp as a guide and then start sticking a probe into it after it hits 195.
I did see the new magnet base. It will be something I order this winter. The magnet tape doesn't work as well as I like. I will probably order the competition probes as well at that point
Traeger was cooked better and has a smoke ring
Texture and doneness is better20200905_164345.jpg20200905_164408.jpg
Vision was overdone. I should have removed it at 196 as well. Texture is more braised consistency
Flavor is smokier from the Vision but the Traeger is definitely
adequate for smoke now that I have them side by side

Final verdict, Traeger gets the win. I think I overcooked the other one.
As much as I initially missed the smoke flavor I got from the Vision Kamado grill, side by side I think they both have enough of a smoke flavor. I will be watching my temps on the briskets a little more on future attempts
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but I thought 203F was the magic number.

YES, According to the 'traditional' science 200 is when a "breakdown" of the muscle occurs... NOW, I do have to agree that that exact number would have to be IMPOSSIBLE to be universal cuz your CUT of meat or TYPE of beef is going to be different.

JAKE, great job... I have to admit I thought the Komado was gonna win BECAUSE of the better smoke flavor, but I'm totally glad the Traeger WON!!!

I honestly think had I taken them both off at 196 they'd both have been great. The Traeger was probing like butter at 186, I left it on because I was waiting for the 195 point.
Definitely more smoke flavor on the Vision, but the texture threw me off, and it was a little dry. So it lost points due to my not cooking it right.
I may try the experiment again, but not this year.
I was happy to finally have a side by side and realize I am not missing out on flavor with the Trager.
Another thing, I am going to try to let them rest another way next time. The cooler helped steam them more so I lost any bark I had. The tops were soft
I think temps are just a reference, and they are done when they are done. If its butter soft at 185, it is done for me next time
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