Burned up fan..twice..


New member
May 2, 2019
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So My Traeger has been acting weird. Instead of running fan after shutdown it just makes sound(as if it’s trying to run the fan but can’t..resulting in a humming sound) like it’s sending power but to a locked up motor. Later it wouldn’t turn on, checked the fuse it. It was blown. My BIG fan, burnt up. I removed and-replaced it. After one cook it, it blew the fuse. The New fan I just bought; burned up, again. After troubleshooting I notice when plugging in the fan would pop the fuse when applying power. Outside that controller never seems to work with or without hooked up to fan. If I turn it on with everything disconnected nothing happens. Only a glimpse of life until blowing fuse. I’m thinking controller but not sure. Any thoughts?
First off is there 1 fuse for entire system or several fuses? I'm guessing 1 fuse for all but not positive. Which model? I'm trying to get a wiring diagram for my ironwood so I can troubleshoot mine in the future if I have any issues.

Is there anything impeading the fan blades as this could be 1 cause of the fan humming as well as a fuse blowing. When you say fan burnt up, do you mean the motor is fried or doesn't run or hum? Does the controller blow the fuse with all fans and devices unplugged? Have you verified the wiring to fans and other components isn't pinched or melted? If the fuse blows when the fans and components are unplugged then I would say controller. If not then be sure wiring is not pinched or melted. Fans humming could also be an issue of voltage from controller to fan being to low which would also point to the controller. Start with this and see where it takes you. My guess it pinched or melted wiring or controller. Try to check these items and let us know. Cheers.
I have same problem as UFOguy except my controller works without the fan.
Recently my traeger stopped working, blown fuse and burnt fan. Ordered new traeger fan off Amazon, new fuses, installed, turned on... smoker started, was heating up, then smelled burning plastic and it shut off. Also threw the fuse on the outlet it was plugged in to. Brand new fan is all melted. And fuse blown again.
Found a troubleshooting guide. Unplugged all Molex fittings except to power. Tested controller foe five minutes. No problem. Tested hot rod for five minutes no problem. Tried plugging fan in and saw a spark then fuse blown (I expected that since fan is shot). Why is the traeger killing fans like this? Is it a wiring issue? Controller? Even tho it works? Appreciate any help.
oh and yes, single fuse. All wiring and back of controller looks fine, don’t see anything melted or pinched there...
I have same problem as UFOguy except my controller works without the fan.
Recently my traeger stopped working, blown fuse and burnt fan. Ordered new traeger fan off Amazon, new fuses, installed, turned on... smoker started, was heating up, then smelled burning plastic and it shut off. Also threw the fuse on the outlet it was plugged in to. Brand new fan is all melted. And fuse blown again.
Found a troubleshooting guide. Unplugged all Molex fittings except to power. Tested controller foe five minutes. No problem. Tested hot rod for five minutes no problem. Tried plugging fan in and saw a spark then fuse blown (I expected that since fan is shot). Why is the traeger killing fans like this? Is it a wiring issue? Controller? Even tho it works? Appreciate any help.
oh and yes, single fuse. All wiring and back of controller looks fine, don’t see anything melted or pinched there...
If it's an older Traeger with AC controller and fan, it's not really possible to burn out the fan. Check for something binding the fan when installed. Make sure all airways are clear. The fans pull cool air into the grill and keep themselves and the auger tube from overheating. If it's stalled out bad things are going to happen.

Plug in a new fan and be sure it runs, before installing it.

Good luck!

This is what I mean by burned or melted. The fan turns freely. I noticed a subtle humming noise too when I first had it put together. Even with the controller off.
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This is what I mean by burned or melted. The fan turns freely. I noticed a subtle humming noise too when I first had it put together. Even with the controller off.
Got it, that's a simple AC induction motor, it runs on 120V and shouldn't burn up in any case, including a completely stalled fan.

A burned up coil is usually if it's the wrong part, like a 120V motor in a 220V unit etc. since it's AC, the controller can only turn it on or off. It can't do anything else, it can't over drive it in any way. There is no polarity to worry about, just the correct voltage.

If that is the correct part, then the coil was defective, possibly shorted internally which would overheat it. Get another, test before installing
Check your exterior outlet for proper polarity and volts while you're at it.
Got it, that's a simple AC induction motor, it runs on 120V and shouldn't burn up in any case, including a completely stalled fan.

A burned up coil is usually if it's the wrong part, like a 120V motor in a 220V unit etc. since it's AC, the controller can only turn it on or off. It can't do anything else, it can't over drive it in any way. There is no polarity to worry about, just the correct voltage.

If that is the correct part, then the coil was defective, possibly shorted internally which would overheat it. Get another, test before installing
Thanks very much. This is the second fan that this has happened to. Any other ideas as to why this would happen? I wish I knew more about electrical stuff...
Thanks very much. This is the second fan that this has happened to. Any other ideas as to why this would happen? I wish I knew more about electrical stuff...
I happen to know alot about electrical stuff and this is odd. The original fan died, that happens. The replacement failed, more rare but also happens, possible defect or shipping damage. This type motor is super simple, only two wires. As I mentioned, even if you held the fan, it would not burn up.

I would get a new fan, it will probably work. If you are gun shy, you could get an appliance guy to check the voltage on the fan connector to verify that it's 120VAC before connecting the new one.
Hi all. Any resolution to this issue of the fan motor burning up? I recently replaced my auger motor and fan after having an issue blowing fuses. After installing new parts and turning the unit on, everything appeared to work ok but then after 10-15 seconds the fan motor starting smoking and burnt up. Looks exactly like the photo that was posted. Just wondering if I should buy another motor and try again or if there is another issue going on? Thanks!
Hi all. Any resolution to this issue of the fan motor burning up? I recently replaced my auger motor and fan after having an issue blowing fuses. After installing new parts and turning the unit on, everything appeared to work ok but then after 10-15 seconds the fan motor starting smoking and burnt up. Looks exactly like the photo that was posted. Just wondering if I should buy another motor and try again or if there is another issue going on? Thanks!
Yes, I ended up just ordering all new electronic parts and swapping everything out. I couldn't figure out what was causing the fans to burn out and rather than waste any more money on new fans i ordered a new rebuild kit on Amazon and a new controller. I think it cost around $100 and took a little over a 1/2 hr to install. Works like a charm now!