Brisket placement on the Traeger Grill ??


Active member
Dec 4, 2020
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Phoenix area of Arizona
Century 885 w/ front shelf & pellet level
Will be cooking my first brisket ever on my Century 885. It is a relatively small trimmed brisket scaling about 4 pounds. I will have three additional air temp probes in the grill. One will by just below the Traeger air temp probe and the other two will be half way down and all the way down to the chimney. There will also be the Traeger meat probe and the ThermoWorks Signals meat probe in the meat.

Today, I boiled water in a tea kettle at the side of the grill and compared the boiling water temperatures on the Traeger meat probe, Signal meat probe and a Thermapen Mk4. A -11 degree F offset brought the Traeger reading into line with the other two devices at 208 degrees F. The factory ice water calibration had the Traeger off set +7 degrees F for the ice water test, but not much gets cooked in ice water. Thus the use of a boiling water test.

Since the flame pot is left of center, should the center of the brisket be over the flame pot or at one end or the other?

Thanks for your help.
The hot side is opposite the pellet hopper. I place my brisket with the thick point on the hot side.
►The End
well if it's that small then center it like you would a chicken
IMHO I doesn't matter were it is placed. Cook it till 165f, wrap it in foil or butcher paper. Cook it some more till it gets to 195f, then keep probing it until the meat probes like butter. That should happen between 195 and 205f.
IMHO I doesn't matter were it is placed. Cook it till 165f, wrap it in foil or butcher paper. Cook it some more till it gets to 195f, then keep probing it until the meat probes like butter. That should happen between 195 and 205f.
That’ll work.....😉
I use the middle shelf, with the point ( thickest part) to the left
more or less centered...
‘I have never seen a 4 lb brisket, I have to agree with the previous posters that this may not be a whole brisket....
I use the middle shelf, with the point ( thickest part) to the left
more or less centered...
‘I have never seen a 4 lb brisket, I have to agree with the previous posters that this may not be a whole brisket....
I don’t think there is any “may” about it... A 4 pound “brisket” is NOT a whole brisket. It’s some sort of cut that has a brisket label on it...
I use the middle shelf, with the point ( thickest part) to the left
more or less centered...
‘I have never seen a 4 lb brisket, I have to agree with the previous posters that this may not be a whole brisket....
@primeone did a 4 pounder back in August
Wish I would have thought about that. Does the water pan help? I did my first today turned out excellent
water pan doesn't hurt... if you did your 1st and it was "excellent" then what you did works also