New member
Doing a flat brisket today 5.5lbs for the wife and I. Injected it with beef none broth, salt and peppwr rub only, I set the pro 34 to 225 and let her rip. Something was wrong when it hit 5 hours and was still only at 125 degrees. I didnt have a grate ambient probe as I read to just go by the temp of the meat. Took 8hrs to hit 165, wrapped it with waygu talo in butcher paper and its still only 182 and its now on hour 10. When i took it off to wrap it was hard as a rock and dry on top (fat side down). I am no pro but I have made great brisket flat before but this is embarrassing. This is going to be a 15-16 hour cook for a 5.5lb brisket flat. It's definately ruined but i am comitted now, might as well finish to 203 and use for chilly or something, thats if it doesnt end up a boat anchor. Glad I had a backup, grilled up some steaks on the webber instead. Feel Defeated right now, no idea what i did wrong. It was my first attempt at a brisket on the traeger.
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