Help! which grill to buy


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Sep 20, 2020
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I am interested in purchasing a Traeger grill. I'm looking at the pro series 780 and the Ironwood 885. wondering if the Ironwood is worth the extra money?
You'll get more room with the Ironwood both in square inches of grid space, but also in height.

The Wifi features of keep warm & super smoke are of questionable value. Set the temp to 165 and that covers both keep warm and super smoke in my opinion. When I want more smoke, I do it at 165 for the first couple of hours then ramp it to my normal smoke temp of 225. I'm going to do that tonight for a brisket.
You'll get more room with the Ironwood both in square inches of grid space, but also in height.

The Wifi features of keep warm & super smoke are of questionable value. Set the temp to 165 and that covers both keep warm and super smoke in my opinion. When I want more smoke, I do it at 165 for the first couple of hours then ramp it to my normal smoke temp of 225. I'm going to do that tonight for a brisket.
This is awesome to read. I'm new to Traeger and trying to learn! I've been trying to figure out how to get more smoke on a Silverton 620. Will this work for anything - Chicken, salmon, brisket etc? I tried down to 180 on a turkey and didn't get that much smoke. I raised it to 325 after 2 hours, but the skin was a little rubbery, guess I need to start at 165 and move to a temp higher than 325?

What causes more smoke at 165 temp? More pellets fed into pot, less fan or what?
You get more like a “smoldering effect“ at 165.
you might also consider a smoke tube to get more smoke....
You get more like a “smoldering effect“ at 165.
you might also consider a smoke tube to get more smoke....
And at higher temps, the pellets burns hotter, faster and not much smoke?

I did use a smoke tube but am hoping to learn how to get as much smoke as possible before having to use a smoke tube. Just seems for the cost of the grill it should produce much more smoke. Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much and used to my Masterbuilt stick burner?
Low and slow is the key for good smoke adsorption. Then turn temp up
Got it.
I'm new to Traeger, coming from a electric stick burner where low was 225 so wasn't aware of the pellet low at 165. Looking forward to testing on a few things. Thanks everyone!
I've used it myself with my colleagues, I think you won't regret it
I use Supersmoke on 90% of my cooks, but I also use a smoke tube (often 2) 90% of the time as well :) I have a T-1300, and part of the reason for that is I wanted as much space as I could get. I am not overly familiar with the other model lines, but even if you're only cooking for a couple of people, the added space will get used.

Good luck!