Wagyu Beef Tallow - The ultimate Brisket secret?


Staff member
Feb 12, 2019
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Austin, TX
2023 Ironwood-L
I watched this video last night from "Mad Scientist BBQ" about the secret method that Aaron Franklin may use to get the ultimate brisket. Has anyone else added Beef Tallow?

Here's the video:

Here's what he used:

Here's the link to buy it on Amazon:
I watched this video last night from "Mad Scientist BBQ" about the secret method that Aaron Franklin may use to get the ultimate brisket. Has anyone else added Beef Tallow?

Here's the video:

Here's what he used:
View attachment 4463

Here's the link to buy it on Amazon:
Definitely going to try this method. Also altering my wrap to be based on bark and color as opposed to the stall being the trigger point. I like the idea he has of emptying the liquid and changing the wrap before you rest.
Post in thread 'Brisket on the 1300!!!' https://www.traegerforum.com/threads/brisket-on-the-1300.2261/post-18857
I also just watched this video a couple days ago and want to try with my next Brisket! Cant hurt adding more moisture and flavor!
How long would this keep on the shelf do you think? 2lbs is a lot of tallow.

Fridge or freeze it for storage?
How long would this keep on the shelf do you think? 2lbs is a lot of tallow.

Fridge or freeze it for storage?
Refrigerate after opening, I think it states on some of the stuff I have seen on Amazon.
How long does lard last? Pretty long time, I would think this would be similar
With the 42 OZ can and the amount that you use each time, how long will it remain useable once it is opened ? Really do not want to be throwing it out.
Looks like it can be stored in an air tight container for a year or so, longer in the fridge and can be frozen, seems to be the consensus of most sites when I searched
Might be worth trying a butcher or specialty meat shop, they may have smaller quantities. I remember seeing it at o e of our butchers in pint container in their fridge section
Some other guy has a method to make your own with all the left over fat scraps from all meats but it looked ignorant and way too much work than just buying the jar of it... He also said to BOIL your burnt ends in it, which I also thought was kinda stupid but that's just me.
I could see using the fat from the brisket or other beef you may have that you cut off. Cook that and render that down, not difficult, but I don't keep the trimmings
I just did this two weeks ago after seeing that video. Used a Costco Prime brisket. Ordered the Wagyu Fat, but it didn't arrive on time, so I took my trimmings, chopped them up and pressure cooked them for a couple of hours. Got about 2/3 of a pint of liquid and chilled it. Rather than melt and drizzle it, I smeared the fat on the paper where, once wrapped, it would fully surround the brisket. Did it both times (wrapping and rewrapping) per the video. Rested the meat in the warming area under the barrel (Century 34) at 140 for about 4 hours. Came out great with an intact bark (best over the point), but it was my first brisket on the Traeger so I don't really have anything to compare it with.

Now that I finally got the Wagyu fat, I'm using it in other cooking, usually replacing butter (for example, frying eggs or sauteing.) Subtle difference but very good.
Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | REDO 1 of 7 Mad…:
Harry Soo from Slap yo Daddy BBQ tried the tallow experiment and (spoiler alert) he seems to think it helps as well. Seeing him put the brisket trimmings on the smoker was a great idea. I didn't have a lot of use for all the fat trimmings, but I will be using it now.
I am interested to see his future test on it when he adds the tallow to his competition brisket recipe.
Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | REDO 1 of 7 Mad…:
Harry Soo from Slap yo Daddy BBQ tried the tallow experiment and (spoiler alert) he seems to think it helps as well. Seeing him put the brisket trimmings on the smoker was a great idea. I didn't have a lot of use for all the fat trimmings, but I will be using it now.
I am interested to see his future test on it when he adds the tallow to his competition brisket recipe.
I think I'll have to do this next time I do a brisket - using the trimmings like he did to produce the tallow. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
More Tallow testing.
Harry has a series on testing tallow use on briskets.
This is on injections
Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | Pt. 7 of 11 Tal…:

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