My older model Texas doesn't have individual probes and I am happy about that considering all I read on this forum about their inaccuracy. Being a retired engineer that worked with ovens designed for sintering metals (1000 C and over), I had to deal with thermocouples, controllers and their accuracy. The things I read about temp deviation, leads me to believe that we are working with two problems. (1) A thermocouple (TC) can be calibrated to a very close degree of accuracy, but does Traeger use an accurate one. (2) If the readout controller is not matched to the TC there lays the problem. If the Traeger folks put together one of their products and grab a controller of of on shelf and a couple of TC's of another shelf without matching them, this could be one of the problems. Without having an electrical schematic of their controller I can't comment on how or if they adjust the differential between the two.
My Texas only has one thermocouple that is mounted inside on the controller end, and is only about 1/2 inch from the metal. It relies on the fan circulating the air towards both ends of the tank. I find this a strange place to measure heat that is cooking meat on the grill maybe 15 inches away. My controller readout is always about 30 degrees higher than my controller setting, but knowing this, I can still control my temps very close. My controller readout is always within 10 degrees of my analog thermometer mounted in the top of the lid about 5 inches from the smoke stack.
The other thing I have ran across is type of pellets I use. I have done some research and one thing that will vary my temp swings is the type of pellet I am using. Fruit wood pellets being a softer wood burn a little hotter than hardwood. Hardwood pellets might not burn quite as hot but do produce more smoke and ash.
I use an independent thermometer in the meat and have been pleased with the results.
I guess to close this I would follow RayClem's advice, figure out your smoker, measure the actual temperature and don't worry about the controller read out.