Temp problems and “ignite” button sucks


New member
Sep 15, 2020
Reaction score
Silverton 810
Hi, new guy here...

I grew up in the restaurant business (and hate it but love to cook) I have a decent offset smoker and building another out of a 250 gallon tank (waiting as it’s still venting) and a propane grill. After struggling with the offset on a hot windy day wife says “you need a Traeger “ so without hesitation we get one. I bought a Silverton 810 about a month ago, last one they had at the Costco roadshow. I get home open it up and assemble it a few days later and has a small dent on lid. I figure as long as everything works fine I’ll learn to live with it. I season or do the first heat cycle as recommended, the next day I cook a rack of ribs trying the 3-2-1 method. I set temp to 215 as the wife is more partial to medium well, so 6 hours later I take a bite of the worst, most under cook ribs ever. Looked done but fat never rendered, it was horrible, had to brush entire mouth to get rid of taste. The next day I set the grill probe from my smoke thermometer touching the “thermalcoupler” and its off close to 50*. I load it in my truck and back to Costco, not going to fix a grill that also has a dent.
The following weekend go to a different Costco roadshow and purchase another 810, this one ranges from 30-45* difference, and the “ignite” button feels like I’m pushing on nothing and have to sweep the button with my finger to ignite it. I call customer support and do the video thing, now I have the Traeger meat probe and the smoke meat probe touching the thermalcoupler and the 2 smokes have less then a 2* difference and the Traeger meat probe within 10* but the thermalcoupler is off by 40. They see all this and offer to send me a new thermalcoupler but not fix the ignite button issue as it still “ignites”. I simply tell them thank you but no thank you as I’m just going to take it back to Costco, then I get put on hold and surprise surprise I’m getting a new display/controller. I have 4 family members that have had Traeger for years with 0 issues, and me 2 with issues in a month. Is this the new normal from Traeger? I will give the repairs a shot but if it still has issues it’s going right back. The new offset is getting a 1/2 thick firebox so temps will be more consistent.

My opinion, yes this is the new normal for Traeger. Hope they get there chit straightened out. They replaced the rtd and controller on my Pro 780 set temp and grill temp on the unit are now the same, but put a themometer in there it reads low.
My opinion, yes this is the new normal for Traeger. Hope they get there chit straightened out.

But WHY?? Indeed Traeger is replacing parts left and right... more parts are being shipped out than units...
JUST FIX THEM... These "lemon" stories are getting too often on here.
I was returning something at my local Costco a few months ago. There were so many Traeger's sitting in the return area. The person helping me out said that almost 1/4 of the Traeger's they sell get returned. I don't know if the Traeger-exclusive models have more problems or what.
I was returning something at my local Costco a few months ago. There were so many Traeger's sitting in the return area. The person helping me out said that almost 1/4 of the Traeger's they sell get returned. I don't know if the Traeger-exclusive models have more problems or what.
I should have done my research before, but yes, from what I’ve been reading Costco line of Traeger’s have been seeing a lot of issues. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a new model but have read when they call customer support, customer support has no clue about those models making getting parts difficult.
The D2 controller with Super Smoke is not at all specific to Costco units.

I'm no fan of membrane key buttons (and ya, my ignition button feels terrible but works), they are a cheap way to have a weather proof panel. Unfortunately they never feel good to operate and it's a real bummer when the membrane gets old, cracks, and fails.

One can only ask for better designs.
Costco's new Silverton 810 Traeger has Super Smoke. I saw it at Costco in Austin last week.

If it were me, that puppy would be going back to Costco ASAP. I'd give another a try. I've been there, done that, and the second grill worked great for me and still does.


silverton 2.jpeg
The D2 controller with Super Smoke is not at all specific to Costco units.

I'm no fan of membrane key buttons (and ya, my ignition button feels terrible but works), they are a cheap way to have a weather proof panel. Unfortunately they never feel good to operate and it's a real bummer when the membrane gets old, cracks, and fails.

One can only ask for better designs.

sorry, I probably wasn’t very clear, my fault, on the first one the one I returned the ignite button felt pretty normal, this one feels like the button isn’t really there, it feels completely different from the first one. the one I currently have if you push the button right in the middle it won’t turn ignite, you have to push and sweep your finger from side to side until it ignites.
Costco's new Silverton 810 Traeger has Super Smoke. I saw it at Costco in Austin last week.

If it were me, that puppy would be going back to Costco ASAP. I'd give another a try. I've been there, done that, and the second grill worked great for me and still does.

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View attachment 2519

this is my second, so I’d have to go back for a third. Think I’m just going to add a fireboard drive to my offset.
DAVE, I would call Traeger again... we give them way too much credit thinking they know us or even keep track... All you need to do is talk to someone new and you might have yourself a new controller sent to you... wouldn't hurt
Got new controller and thermalcoupler. The new controller has a issue when you are turning the dial looking to set temp it jumps. Say you are trying to turn it down as it’s going down it might jump up 10-15 degrees, then when you get to the temp it’ll jump up or down 5 degrees as you push the button.
The new thermalcoupler is off by 40 degrees in the opposite direction as the last one so I won’t be able to cook anything under 195. Going to call them again tomorrow, but have a feeling this one is going back.
Got new controller and thermalcoupler. The new controller has a issue when you are turning the dial looking to set temp it jumps. Say you are trying to turn it down as it’s going down it might jump up 10-15 degrees, then when you get to the temp it’ll jump up or down 5 degrees as you push the button.
The new thermalcoupler is off by 40 degrees in the opposite direction as the last one so I won’t be able to cook anything under 195. Going to call them again tomorrow, but have a feeling this one is going back.
My controller had that dial problem, they sent me a new controller, fixed.

Most seem to have a non-linear temp differential compared to other thermometers.
My controller had that dial problem, they sent me a new controller, fixed.

Most seem to have a non-linear temp differential compared to other thermometers.

I'll be honest, I woke up this morning like this thing is going back, I'm over it. I spoke to wife during lunch and she said "just call them first and if your not happy with their solution take it back"

I get home, cut an onion in 1/2 stick the Traeger meat probe through onion and have it touch thermocouple, same with meat probe from my smoke thermometer, smoke grill probe is already touching. I call Traeger and get "JOE".

Big shout out to Joe

I explain to him the issue with new display jumping numbers and probe, his reply is " I'm sorry to hear that, display/controller are available and will ship out in 2-3 days". I didn't have to turn on grill or that video thing, nothing. I explain to him my concerns with the temperature reading lower than what it actually is, I explain what I do for a living and that I basically do this kind of troubleshooting for a very large company, and he explains to me how the controller works and how software/firmware interpret the resistance of the components attached to board (this is in my wheelhouse). I let Joe know that I appreciate him taking the time to answer any questions and sharing the knowledge.

This phone call was 9 minutes, I wish all the other people I spoke with in the past were as helpful as Joe.

Traeger is safe, we really want this thing to work, we spent a lot of money and just want this thing to be right, there are 4 Traeger grills in our family and we have had the unfortunate luck to get the one with issues. This is our third current grill with a big offset in the works.

I hope you get it figured out. I called Traeger last Tuesday, explained my situation. Set temp and grill temp are the same but at set higher temp actual grill temp is 30* cooler according to my thermopro. I still haven't heard from them yet, going to call again tomorrow.

P.s. i dont understand the onion part.
I hope you get it figured out. I called Traeger last Tuesday, explained my situation. Set temp and grill temp are the same but at set higher temp actual grill temp is 30* cooler according to my thermopro. I still haven't heard from them yet, going to call again tomorrow.

P.s. i dont understand the onion part.

Watched a video were a guy used 1/2 a potato to hold the meat probe in place, you just have the probe go through the potato or onion (I didn't have a potato) all the way until the potato is at the base of probe and probe tip is exposed. It basically acts like a grill probe clip for a meat probe.