Super Smoke Question


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Aug 6, 2020
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I am looking to purchase my first Traeger. The primary reason I’d be purchasing is for brisket and ribs. I currently use a Lyfe Tyme offset stick burner. Although this puts out good results, you have to put in a lot of work. I keep going back and forth between the Ironwood and a pro due to the Super Smoke feature. Does this feature put out a much better smoke flavor than the Pro? Or are they both comparable after several hours low and slow?
Super smoke does maker more smoke but I'd bet that you would get similar results on slow cooks with either model. The interval cycling of the fan is cool in super smoke mode.
I am looking to purchase my first Traeger. The primary reason I’d be purchasing is for brisket and ribs. I currently use a Lyfe Tyme offset stick burner. Although this puts out good results, you have to put in a lot of work. I keep going back and forth between the Ironwood and a pro due to the Super Smoke feature. Does this feature put out a much better smoke flavor than the Pro? Or are they both comparable after several hours low and slow?
Wow, I have a Lyfe Tyme offset stick smoker that I’ve had for years and the reason I got a Traeger was for smoking without all the hassle! Lol. I have the Pro 575, so I do not have SS. I’ve found that the Traeger gives a nice smoke flavor “low and slow”. But I did get a smoke tube and it increased the smoky flavor. That worked for me. I’ve yet to get the bark I’m able to get off my offset stick, but that may be how I’m doing it. And the downdraft exhaust on the Ironwood and Timberline series May help with that too. If I could turn the clock back, I might have upped my purchase to the Ironwood Series more for the exhaust then SS. My Pro however does a great job on my briskets and I’m at an age now, stoking a fire all night And smelling like a smoke stack and the end of the process isn’t for me anymore. I still have it if I ever need an offset, as you know, those heavy son of a guns will outlast us all, but I love the Traeger. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed whichever model you go. Good luck on you choice.
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But I did get a smoke tube and it increased the smoky flavor.

which one do you have??? That Green Mountain one is $$ but it also looks neat with the expansion for longer smoke times....
If you're in the market for a smoke tube, Take a look at the Blaz'n Grill Works Smoke Pro. I just ordered one. Blaz'n has a video on its use.
I have a 575, with a low temperature, long cook time and a smoke tube the results are as good if not better than my previous electric (wood) smoker.
ironwood 650 is my 1st traeger. only done a few cooks so far and did notice i'm not getting the same smoky flavor as my stick burner. modest difference using super smoke on ribs. i have a smoke tube coming today and also gonna try different pellets (i've only used traeger brand hickory so far)