Sprung for a Fireboard 2 Drive


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Staff member
Jun 17, 2019
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Ironwood 885, Century 22, BGEx2, GMG Davey Crockett
Well, they did have a free magnetic base for a Black Friday deal. :D

I went for a Fire Board 2 Drive as that will drive my BBQ Guru 12 volt fans, so I can use it for both my ceramic and my pellet grills.

Looking forward to overdosing on grill geekness!
Well, they did have a free magnetic base for a Black Friday deal. :D

I went for a Fire Board 2 Drive as that will drive my BBQ Guru 12 volt fans, so I can use it for both my ceramic and my pellet grills.

Looking forward to overdosing on grill geekness!
I use my Fireboard2 Drive with my Viper fan from my BBQGURU CyberQ. It works amazingly well. It never worked that good with the Guru! I get such a constant temperature I have full faith back in my Kamado.
Look forward to seeing what you think of it, especially seeing you are using it like I am on a ceramic as well.
Yay! FB2 Drive arrived. Will be using it tonight on another Christmas Brisket. We'll see how it compares with the MEATER probe and the Ironwood 885 Temp sensor.

Got the FB2 probe next to the Traeger sensor and the Traeger is about 10 degrees lower than the FB probe. Hmmm.

We ALL experience the same thing... sometimes worse than 10°
We’ve been running a temp map with an UltraQ against the T850 probe. It starts out 20 below the UltraQ then closes in on the same temp. Above 350 the 850 reads 10 to 15 above the UltraQ. Have adjusted recipes accordingly and find I’m getting a better cook. The UltraQ has been calibrated at two points so I’m fairly confident that it is accurate.

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