Smoked cheese question


Active member
Jul 18, 2019
Reaction score
Statesville NC
Pro 34
Planning on attempting smoked cheese this weekend. Here are the parts I understand:

cold smoking with smoke tube
Time frame
2 week rest vacuum sealed

I am trying to figure out the role that wrapping in parchment paper plays. Can you skip that and go directly to the vacuum seal? Or is there something the parchment paper does to affect the final result?

thanks in advance.
Parchment paper lets it breathe. I've never tried smoking cheese, but I think you're supposed to let it breathe for at least 24 hours before you seal it.
I’ve smoked-tubed 15-20 lbs of cheeses over the last few years with happy success. I smoke them 2-4+ hours depending on the hardness of the cheese, wrapping in either cheese cloth or pink butcher paper, placing the wrapped blocks in labeled brown paper lunch sacks for two to three days to evaporate off the liquids that develop during the smoking process. (This is the hardest part of the process, getting a nose full of aroma of smoked cheese every time you open the refrigerator.!)
Then I vacuum seal for at least two weeks, to mellow out.
While butcher paper is far cheaper (I found myself with a 200-foot x24” roll of the stuff), I greatly prefer the results with the cheese cloth. The cheeses dry out more quickly and completely with the cloth.