Smoke out the grease hole

All my smoke exits out of my grease hole. Any ideas?

Can't touch that. :)

Seriously, what are your smoking temps? I get smoke out the drain hole when it starts up, but it comes out all over too. I get smoke out that same spot when it catches fire too. I just need to clean it more often on the drip edge.
Can't touch that. :)

Seriously, what are your smoking temps? I get smoke out the drain hole when it starts up, but it comes out all over too. I get smoke out that same spot when it catches fire too. I just need to clean it more often on the drip edge.
I normally smoke at 225 but I grill a lot at 500 and it seems worse at the higher temperatures.
A lot of the times when grilling at higher temps the food residue on the grates and in the drip areas smoke a bit, similar to olive oil when cooking at high temps. I’ve found that to be the reasoning anytime smoke is coming out of the grease drip
A lot of the times when grilling at higher temps the food residue on the grates and in the drip areas smoke a bit, similar to olive oil when cooking at high temps. I’ve found that to be the reasoning anytime smoke is coming out of the grease drip
Can't touch that. :)

Seriously, what are your smoking temps? I get smoke out the drain hole when it starts up, but it comes out all over too. I get smoke out that same spot when it catches fire too. I just need to clean it more often on the drip edge.

Yeah, I was going to say that. I know I have issues if I don't clean mine out after every 1-2 smokes. But when it's clean, it works great! But it does take my briskets quite a while to smoke, so I have learned patience. LOL...
All my smoke exits out of my grease hole on my new 885 Ironwood. Any ideas?
I wondered about that. My grill is clean. I would have thought the smoke would go out through the vents on the back. I put that stripping around the door to keep it from leaking out. Doesn’t seem to hurt anything but seems like it shouldn’t happen.