Silverton 620 stops heating midway through cook


New member
Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
Apex, NC
Silverton 620
I have had my Silverton 620 for about 8 months and it has worked well until this point. When using the Traeger to grill (not smoke), after the grill is preheated (such as 425), I put the meat on the grill surface, and after I close the lid, the internal grill temperature drops the normal 40 to 50 degrees, but then that's where things go wrong. Instead of heating back up to 425, it goes through an oscillation where the fan will run for 30 seconds and the temperature will go up, but then the fan turns off for 30 seconds and the temperature drops back down. This oscillation between "fan off" and "fan on" continues indefinitely, 30 seconds at a time, and the temperature just hovers around the same spot, lower than where I need the grill to be.

I regularly clean out the grill of ash, making sure the airflow is good. Thoughts on what might be going wrong?
Hi Robert. I had this EXACT same issue with my Silverton 620. It worked great for a while, then it became a crapshoot if it would lose heat and flame out. I have pulled ribs, turkeys, burgers, and other meats off the grill for months mid cook because of it. I METICULOUSLY cleaned the grill each time before a cook hoping it would not flame out. But it always was a roll of the dice.

BUT I finally stumbled on a workaround and it has not failed since. I found that opening the hood to flip or work the meat would drop the temp significantly- and the Traeger would start cycling to heat back up - but it would struggle and flame out. I noticed that when I left the lid open, it would fiercely restart fire in the firebox - but closing the lid would “snuff” it out.

SO NOW, every time I open the lid (like to flip the meat or rework the ribs), I make sure I crack the hood about 1/4-1/2” when I close it - this seems to let air in and the grill reheats with a fury. I just stick a small shin of wood to keep the hood cracked.

It has not failed since. My cooks are awesome. No flame outs! Hope this helps… good luck.