Silverton 620 minimal smoke


Nov 24, 2020
Reaction score
Silverton 620
Got the Costco roadshow deal on the 620 a couple weeks ago. Seems like it barely smokes at high or low cooking temps and not really any smoke flavor. Pretty disappointed and wondering if I should return it.

Anyone else experience this?
Try Hickory, or Mesquite pellets, stronger flavor. Cook at lower temps for longer. Some use optional pellet smoke tubes while cooking, this will add to bunch more smoke.
Thank you for the recommendations. I have been using hickory and will get some oak pellets to try.
The smoke at 225 on a butt was very minimal. A little better at 180 for turkey yesterday and even better at 165 in "keep warm" mode for some chex mix.

So, do you just smoke for an hour or two at the lower temps and then raise temps to cook?

Also, should I expect as much smokey flavor on a Traeger as with a Masterbuilt electric smoker?

Thank you again for the help!
Do you have “SuperSmoke”, if so try it...
else try Oak at a low temp, maybe 175 , Do you have a FireBoard? You may have a gradient so try the cook on the left side ( that is usually hotter)..
No SuperSmoke on this grill. If you mean FireBoard thermometer, no, but I'm using a Maverick remote thermometer set. So, try to cook towards the left side away from the hopper for better heat or more smoke?

I'm planning to get some mesquite and oak pellets you and RemE suggested.
What controller do you have? i have a silverton 620 with the pro controller. From what i understand, the new silvertons have the D2 controller..... am i wrong?
Correct, D2 controller with WiFire and Turbotemp, but not super smoke
Well I too have silver ton 620 . Cooked my first 13lb bird on it...smoked for 3 hours and still had to cook another 4 hours..I was not expecting a 7 hr cook especially when last year on my Pro (575) took 4 hours to cook 13lb bird (2 hr smoke-2 hr at 325)