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My New Traeger Does Not Put Out The Smoke I Was Expecting!!

My Traeger built in RTD probe is off, it is not accurate. Is there a way to calibrate it?

What Is My Current Firmware and Configuration Version Supposed To Be?

What Is My Current APP Version Supposed to Be?

How Do I Get My Grill To Update To The Version I Need?

How Do I Add a 2nd Grill to My Traeger App

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My New Traeger Does Not Put Out The Smoke I Was Expecting!!
Traeger is not a charcoal stick burner, it is a pellet wood oven/smoker

A lot of people, when they think of a smoker, think of a grill billowing thick white smoke. This is not the type of smoke we want to produce.

Traeger Wood Pellet Grills produce a superior thin blue smoke that provides a cleaner, smoker flavor. Often, the smoke is so thin it only appears as heat waves coming off the grill. However, it is there. You will be able to see the smoke rings on your meat and taste the difference.

  • One suggestion is to start your cooks with low smoking temps (180°-200°) for the first hour or so then cook your meat at regular temp. Traegers put out more visible smoke at lower temps.
  • You can always buy a $20 smoking tube and add more smoke to your cooks that way... THEY WORK!!! ► Search Amazon
  • Some have added a Smoke Generator like Smokin-it Bella
  • Animated Gif Arrows (116).gif
    PLEASE NOTE: In OLD smokers, (stick and charcoal) more charcoal than wood is used, most of us that smoked before Traegers used charcoal instead of 'all wood'... the SMOKE FLAVOR most guys talk about "missing" in a Traeger is the CHARCOAL smoke, not WOOD smoke. The charcoal smell and smoke will NEVER be there on a Traeger, I suggest this is what MOST new Traeger users are missing when they talk about "NOT AS MUCH SMOKE."

Then there is also just a matter of taste and what you like your meat to taste like:
Certainly regulating temps in the smoker and the meat itself greatly impacts the outcome and perception of it tasting "good."

I wonder if your success, or lack there of, is a matter of taste? Many love the taste of smoke, some do not. There is a restaurant near me that gets rave reviews. They have a huge smoker outside where they smoke EVERYTHING, including sides. For me it all tastes like licking a fire poker and I can't tell any difference in taste from their chicken to their beef to their green beans.

At risk of being banished from the Traeger community, I will tell you I do not like much smoky flavor, and neither does my wife. For this reason I never had any interest in a smoker until we had a brisket made by a friend. It was the best meat I've ever had in my life. I was instantly sold. I'm about a year in and we have really had some great food. We have intentionally used pellet mixes that are mild and avoided swings in temperature that might produce more smoke with the meat. As far as meat, we've enjoyed large briskets, pork butts, and ribs. They are fantastic. We have done potroast, beer can chicken, and spotchuck chicken a few times each and it was ok. Truth be told I'd rather have had the chicken on the grill and the roast in the oven. As far as steak, I'm sure I'll try it eventually, but to date I just haven't been able to bring myself to put one on my smoker.


Most success has now been achieved by using a combo of wood chips and pellets in smoke tubes... this has been known and proven to increase smoke and smoke flavor.

See Threads on this issue:

How Do I Get My Grill To Update To The Version I Need?
The thing to do is to leave the grill plugged in and rear power switched on, but controller off. In this "standby" mode the grill will get the most current updates, usually in a few days.

People have asked for a better way to push latest software thru the app but so far, nope.

You can check version from the grill display in settings, Wi-Fi, about.
I Spent All This Money on My Traeger and the Meat Probe is NOT Reliable?? Unfortunately, That's Correct!!

We realize that this is a common gripe and shouldn't be but, if you want to have successful cooks with great results and your meat done correctly, we highly recommend a 3rd party Temperature System.
Traeger's meat probe is always going to be wrong, no matter what "calibrating" you do so please consider it the BEST ADVICE for you to go get a reliable Temp monitoring system.

Just to name a few...
Traeger instructions for SEASONING YOUR GRILL - INITIAL BURN IN (Modified by magoo40)

I have worked with high temp finishes a lot, and despite what the paint manufactures say i always do a gradual "Paint Cure" 2-3 staged seasonings. 50% & 75% then 100% recommended temp cooling between each stage this allows the paint to cure with out burning or bubbling before exposure to high temps, considering all the grief you have been through if I were you I would adopt this approach. It can't hurt right and it might save you some disappointment.

Before cooking the first batch of food in your new Traeger, you will need to season the grill. This simple, one-time initial firing process will ensure that you get the most out of your Traeger Wood Pellet Grill. We’re so excited that you’ve chosen to join Traeger Nation.
Step 1 Plug in grill to an electrical outlet and turn on
Step 2 -Prime your auger tube with pellets
Step 3 -Add hardwood pellets to hopper
Step 4 -Turn the main power switch on
Step 5 -Turn dial to "Select Auger" then choose "Prime Auger"
Step 6 -Once pellets begin to fall into firepot, select "Done" to turn off auger
Step 7 - Turn selection dial clockwise to 225°F (107°C) and press the dial
Step 8 - Press ignite, close the lid, and when the temperature reaches 225°F, run for 20 minutes then Shutdown grill and let cool.
Start Gill again
Step 9 Turn selection dial clockwise to 340°F (170°C) and press the dial run for 20 minutes then Shutdown grill and let cool.
Start Gill again
Step 10 Turn selection dial clockwise to 450°F (230°C) and press the dial run for 20 minutes then Shutdown grill and let cool.

This approach will help give the paint time to "cure" before exposure to high temps , hope it helps.
My Traeger built in RTD probe is off, it is not accurate. Is there a way to calibrate it?

NO, unfortunately everyone has this problem, just like the Traeger meat probe, the Ambient RTD probe is usually off by up to 25° than the actual internal pit temp. This can affect your meat greatly as to when it's done and when it's not.

95% of the Traeger owners here use a good 3rd party Ambient probe to keep an eye on the REAL pit temp. Traeger APP can be used to adjust the temp in the pit very easy but what your pit is actually cooking at is up to you and a good ambient probe.
Meater is a good internal meat probe but not a good substitute for a pit ambient probe because it also reads low being against your meat and not out in the open pit area.
FireBoard is highly suggested but there are others on the market. You need to greatly consider a good ambient probe as an investment to successful cooking, especially if you have already had a "fail" because of the Traeger RTD Probe.


This may have been asked before but I am new to the group and not sure how to search the topic. We bought a pro 575 a few days before the 4th and cooked a brisket for our family party on the 4th. It hit around 180 and stalled for hours upon hours so I became suspicious and grabbed 2 oven...


I have had it with this damn grill. I can not get the temp to be consistent nor get to the setting it is meant to be at. it’s July 4th and I was supposed to cook a brisket. Well looks like the oven will have to cook it because this damn thing won’t get it right. I have owned it since 2014 and...

Temperature consistently 25+ degrees low

Hello everyone. I have a Traeger Silverton 620, purchased from Costco about a month and a half ago. Since I purchased it, I noticed the actual temperature inside the grill is 25-30, and sometimes 50 degrees LOWER than what the controller/grill is set to/thinks it’s at. This is NOT a temperature...


New FireBoard for a gift...plugged it into the Prime Rib and now it shows how far off my Traeger grill temp setting is from the actual temp!

How far off is your RTD?

I am fairly new to Traeger's and pellet grills in general. I have been BBQ's for a long time and decided to give this a try. I have had my 780 since last summer and so far have been very happy with it. The only complaint I have (as many do on here from my reading) is the internal temp. of...

I could go on and on....
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How Do I Add a 2nd Grill to my Traeger App

Open the app
Select your existing grill
At the top where your grill is select the grill arrow right
When you do you get the following page.
At the bottom it shows add grill
I don't have a second grill to try this and not sure if iPhone is the same

Thnx RustyJake
If you are NEW to Traeger, and have not read this, you should take the time
Smoker Cooking Times PDF




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