Prime Brisket $2.69/lb - Costco Austin, TX

Man, I'm in brisket heaven here in Austin. Picked up 3 yesterday.

Prime Brisket 2.69.jpeg
Wow, $2.69 for prime! That's awesome - I'll have to go get one as well.
So you freeze them? Is there any noticeable change if frozen? My Snake river briskets were frozen, they were good but doubtful that I would buy them again as long as fresh prime is available at Costco.
Went to Cosco today... Friday @ 1:00... LEFT, the place was off the charts nutz
I won't be Cosco shopping till after Jesus' Birthday, then I'll be hunting for a week to get a freezer deer.
So you freeze them? Is there any noticeable change if frozen? My Snake river briskets were frozen, they were good but doubtful that I would buy them again as long as fresh prime is available at Costco.

Yep, just thaw them out in the fridge for a few days before prepping. I had one of those Snake River Wagyu briskets from costco in a freezer for over a year and it still turned out great.
Went to Cosco today... Friday @ 1:00... LEFT, the place was off the charts nutz
I won't be Cosco shopping till after Jesus' Birthday, then I'll be hunting for a week to get a freezer deer.
6 hours north of you, its still Thursday!🤪
6 hours north of you, its still Thursday!🤪

HAHAHA I was just coming in here to change that cuz I remembered I typed Friday, I's been a long week, that's fo show

Now that makes Cosco even WORSE now... a Thursday afternoon?? I mean WT....
Went to Cosco today... Friday @ 1:00... LEFT, the place was off the charts nutz
I won't be Cosco shopping till after Jesus' Birthday, then I'll be hunting for a week to get a freezer deer.

I like the old fart hours they have from 9-10 AM. Easy Peasy. ;)
At those prices I buy two of them and grind one for ground beef. A lot cheaper and better.......:)
My costco brisket came out GREAT! I didnt even known it was USDA Prime until I saw this thread. I got mine at $3/lb but I live in Southern Caliornia. Everything costs more here. But thats still a great price. My family was blown away at the tenderness. 275° til 160° then wrapped until 205° with Mesquite. Made burnt ends too at 190°. Yum!
I've been going through briskets for Christmas like crazy. They've all been a hit. Prime meat makes a difference.

1 more to go, a 20 pounder, but this one is for the immediate family between Christmas & New Years. Yum!