New Iowa Member


Feb 5, 2020
Reaction score
Two Traeger Pro 575's, and GMG Davy Crockett
New member from the great state of Iowa.

Look forward to learning some hacks and tricks of using these great wood fired fancy grills. I currently have two Pro 575's and thoroughly like them for the most part. I also have a GMG Davy Crockett which I use for when I need to been portable. (Did extensive research on this between the tailgater and gmg) GMG's version of the portable in my opinion is the better of the two. So far the 575's have been working great for the last 8 months or so, and have provided countless great tasting meals. I've also stepped outside of the normal recipes and attempting things that the normal person doesn't think about trying on the Traeger. My current dilemma is I think I want to sell both 575's and upgrade to something bigger.
Welcome to the forum!! Lots of tips and recipes on the traeger app. Smoke on my friend!!
Welcome aboard!!! There's a lot of information here, along with knowledgeable folks!
How's the caucus?
Mhhhh doesn't really bother me at all. Apparently Iowa felt like we need to give the U.S. a reason to laugh at us in the flyover state. I'm not a huge political person so I went to bed Monday night, and woke up Tuesday to a nice cup of coffee.
Mhhhh doesn't really bother me at all. Apparently Iowa felt like we need to give the U.S. a reason to laugh at us in the flyover state. I'm not a huge political person so I went to bed Monday night, and woke up Tuesday to a nice cup of coffee.
Rest easy, it is not the state of Iowa that we are laughing at.