Bruce N
Wrote an Email to Traeger concerning losing the custom cooks, and not getting the update to get the grill up to 500 degrees. I do have to say that Traeger does do a great job with customer service, and the reply did surprise me, because I really thought they would maybe read it and then deep six it. So will post the Email to them first, then the reply from Traeger...
Not sure what to think about Traeger anymore. Purchased a Pro 780 a few days before this update, an over $1000 purchase, and loved it. Then just a few days later I find out about this upgrade, and how now my grill will reach 500 degrees for some great searing. Well no upgrade on the Traeger, non on the App, and I lost all my custom cooks, which is one of the reasons I upgraded. You have really dropped the ball on this Traeger. I want my custom cooks back....
Now their reply
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for reaching out. Custom cook cycles were not included in release for the new app. Here is why. When looking at cooks both custom cooks and manual, the usage rate for user created custom cook cycles was extremely low, I'm talking less than 1% of total cooks. Sending the string of information from user generated custom cook requires substantial development work and we prioritized other parts of that application that were more highly used.
We will be sending out a firmware update that will allow Pro grills to set 2 custom cook cycles directly from the grill in the coming weeks. This firmware update will also include the 500 degree increase for Pro’s. The firmware team is planning to send that as soon as May rolls around.
Thanks for reaching out and helping us improve the application.
Not sure what to think about Traeger anymore. Purchased a Pro 780 a few days before this update, an over $1000 purchase, and loved it. Then just a few days later I find out about this upgrade, and how now my grill will reach 500 degrees for some great searing. Well no upgrade on the Traeger, non on the App, and I lost all my custom cooks, which is one of the reasons I upgraded. You have really dropped the ball on this Traeger. I want my custom cooks back....
Now their reply
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for reaching out. Custom cook cycles were not included in release for the new app. Here is why. When looking at cooks both custom cooks and manual, the usage rate for user created custom cook cycles was extremely low, I'm talking less than 1% of total cooks. Sending the string of information from user generated custom cook requires substantial development work and we prioritized other parts of that application that were more highly used.
We will be sending out a firmware update that will allow Pro grills to set 2 custom cook cycles directly from the grill in the coming weeks. This firmware update will also include the 500 degree increase for Pro’s. The firmware team is planning to send that as soon as May rolls around.
Thanks for reaching out and helping us improve the application.