Moderator? Pinned posts?


May 4, 2020
Reaction score
Riverside, CA
Silverton 810
Is there a moderator on here? So many people post the same questions over and over that it would be nice to have a pinned post at the top. Also, people double-posting in different forums is getting annoying. If there are no moderators, I volunteer as tribute. I don’t even know who I’m volunteering to since I don’t even know who manages this thing. I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes here—just trying to be helpful and keep the information people want to find accessible.
Is there a moderator on here? So many people post the same questions over and over that it would be nice to have a pinned post at the top. Also, people double-posting in different forums is getting annoying. If there are no moderators, I volunteer as tribute. I don’t even know who I’m volunteering to since I don’t even know who manages this thing. I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes here—just trying to be helpful and keep the information people want to find accessible.

@primeone is the moderator and owner (i think)
I agree, same questions over and over with the same cut & pasted answer over and over.
@primeone Hey man, any chance we could get some pinned posts? Especially related to the firmware updates and wireless connectivity.
@primeone Hey man, any chance we could get some pinned posts? Especially related to the firmware updates and wireless connectivity.

Hey @isaiahfranco - I try to check in every day/every other day but this week has been real busy for me. Just let me know what threads you would like stuck and I'll get it done.

Would it be more helpful to have a dedicated section for firmware & wifi discussions?
Hey @isaiahfranco - I try to check in every day/every other day but this week has been real busy for me. Just let me know what threads you would like stuck and I'll get it done.

Would it be more helpful to have a dedicated section for firmware & wifi discussions?

A section for WiFIRE Controllers (Firmware & Connectivity) would be great!
Done! -

I'll start moving threads now. Don't hesitate to report a thread if you see one that needs to be moved.

Thanks for the suggestions - Hopefully this will really help keep all of this type of information easier to find and cut down on the duplicate threads.
Thanks! You may also want to pin it to the home page. There are a couple of posts related to wifi and wiFIRE that aren't in the Firmware & Connectivity forum. Thanks for helping to centralize a lot of this information!

I might also suggest a new sticky post on the home page titled "READ ME FIRST" and it can cover a few topics:
You know, something along those lines?